Newbies Task 2: Learning the Fundamentals of Hive


Hello everyone, welcome back to my blog, hope you're all doing great, it's the second week of the #Newbiesinitiative.

It's been an amazing time in the newbies initiative, I've learned a lot in this past two sessions that we've had than my whole 10 months on Hive put together, I hope to learn even more so as to be able to navigate this ecosystem with ease.

In the last meeting we had on Sunday, we were taught on the use of different markdown style, how to tag properly and a whole lot of other vital information. So I will be talking about somethings we were asked to talk about for our second task, I hope you find it useful.

How is Hive Different from other Web 2 Social media platforms

Hive is very different from the conventional web 2 social media platforms, there are so many distinguishing factors that bring about this difference.
Firstly, Hive is decentralized, what this means is that it isn't controlled by one single person like we have on our regular web 2 social media, where one individual calls the shots. But rather it is controlled by a distributed network of nodes using the block chain technology. This lack of single ownership enhances security of user information and also makes the user the sole owner of every of their data that is brought to the block chain.

On Hive, you get rewards for your contents through engagements and updates, while on the web 2 social media, you only get rewards through ads. Also on Hive, there is transparency of every activity, this helps build trust in the user regarding the platform, but this isn't the case on other web 2 social media platforms.

Plagiarism, Vote Begging and Post Recycling

Plagiarism involves the stealing or copying of someone else's work without properly acknowledging the owner of the work. We were meant to understand during the newbies initiative meeting held on Sunday that plagiarism is heavily frowned upon here on Hive, this is because if it is condoned, the very aim of the Hive block chain will be defeated, as there will be no form of originality anymore which is one core value that Hive stands on.
On Hive, only original content is supported and promoted, as a result of this, I promise to write only original content, and properly source the works of others if there is need to reference them within my work.

Vote Begging

I've not really been one to just outrightly ask people for things that I feel the other person has more than me, for instance begging of money, if I actually open my mouth to ask you for money, just know that I have weighed all my options, and couldn't find a way out before reaching out to the person.
Vote begging can be likened to the begging of money from people, either because you feel entitled or because you're not contented with what you have and instead of you to work hard, you just begin beg for votes within your post.

If you're in great need of up votes, make sure you do the work, re strategize, set goals and work towards achieving them.

Post Recycling

This has to do with editing your previous post and using it again. As earlier established, on Hive only original content is permitted, if we all go about recycling our old posts and dumping them on Hive because we have nothing to write about, then sooner or later the true purpose of Hive will be defeated and that will be very sad.

Colorful Modern Business Infographic Presentation_20240522_213156_0000.png

Is The Use of Right Tags Relevant to my Post?

From what we were taught the other day, using the right tags on your post helps your post reach the right audience, you might have beautiful content, and engage well, and yet if you didn't properly tag your post, this will limit the reach of your post.

Also do you think that abuse of tags may attract downvote on your post? If yes or no, explain

Yes I agree that abusing tags may attract down votes on your post, if after making a post, you use tags that are irrelevant to the theme of your post, some hiveans could downvote on your content, making it look like you don't know what you're doing. So going forward I will be intentional with how I use my tags, especially the general tags, as we were taught that most of those general tags could help one earn tokens.

Five General Tags
Proof of Brain

Markdown Styles

These are means by which we format or edit the texts of our post here on Hive to give it that professional feel that makes it appealing to the eyes of the reader. As human beings, we all know that we are mostly attracted to beautiful and nicely presented things, so also when you present your post well, it will also attract people to it first even before they begin to consume the content of the post.

This is my entry for the second task for the #newbiesinitiative

Thank you for stopping by🥰

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