2024: Surviving, Living and Thriving

Hey, lovelies, welcome back to my blogšŸ˜ƒ I hope your week is going well because mine has been great so far.

Have you ever wondered how fast the days and weeks seem to be passing? Just the other day, it was Sunday, and today is Wednesday already; before you know it, the whole week is finished and just like that 2024 will be over.

2024 hasn't been the easiest of years, but in all, I'm grateful for the year. 2024 came with so many expectations; some we received, some are still on the way, but at least I am alive to see almost the end of the year and thatā€™s a big win for me.

Hardest Of 2024, what is the hardest thing you've done this year? How did you come about it and what did it mean for you? Did you succeed? What were the lessons you got from the experience?*

This year I got to live entirely on my own, don't get me wrong, I have lived on my own before, but that was when I was in the university and during my NYSC, but during those periods, especially my undergraduate days, if the going gets tough, I could just easily run back home and chill for a while, especially during the weekends.


I remember when I was younger, I used to have a bit of a temper, I could get easily offended, whenever my parents corrected me, and I felt I wasn't the one at fault (being the first child, this usually happened in my home, that is getting reprimanded for things my younger ones did) I would begin to think about the day I would have my very own apartment and live by my own rules with nobody getting in the way. This idea seemed so sweet at that time, I lived in my fantasy of the perfect adulthood. Reality set on me when I finally got my apartment.

I got to rent my very own apartment for the first time in my life, although it wasn't easy, in fact, it was really stressful securing an apartment as most of the houses I saw were way above my budget, but God willing I was finally able to get a place for myself with the help of my colleague.


Moving into my apartment was a different ball game, as I had no property prior to moving, and I was away from home where I could get some household items, so I had to buy everything from scratch, fix everything by myself, or call a handyman when I couldn't do something by myself, it was just more than I could handle but guess what? I handled it just finešŸ˜ƒ

My firm has a staff bus that usually takes us to work as most of us don't live so close to the office. But early this year, in April precisely, the engine of the bus for my route packed up, and we were left to find our way to work. Commuting to work became a real hassle. This was due to the hike in fuel price; there were days I got so frustrated, especially on rainy days, as during those days, the transport fare could rise to double its normal price. But I couldn't throw in the towel, I kept encouraging myself that this is just a phase, and sooner or later it will pass.


But in all, I have learned to take one day at a time and deal with the issues or blessings of each day as they come because worrying your head so much about the future you have no control over will only do you more harm than good. I'm not saying we should not plan for the future; please, by all means, plan, but don't be overly disturbed, do what you can do, then let the rest fall into place.

I hope these last few remaining months are kind to us, so we can end the year beautifully and then move on to the year 2025, celebrating that we all made it against all odds.

You want to share with us your experiences also, you can check here for more information about the topic.

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