Saving lives through selflessness; Organ donation should be mandatory

I believe organ donation should be mandatory, as it presents a powerful opportunity to save countless lives. In the world we live in today, where various diseases significantly affect daily life, many souls are lost that could have been saved by donated organs. However, I believe that organ donation should be a choice made by individuals and their families based on personal values, not a requirement enforced by the government. It might not work in my Nation, except it is being enforced on its citizens.

Just recently, my daughter came home from school devastated after learning about a young girl who died due to a heart defect. It truly breaks my heart. If there had been a robust organ donation system in place, perhaps that little girl’s life could have been saved, allowing her to continue living and thriving. How can a little girl of age ten be faced with such a dilemma? This is so heartbreaking!


I was also profoundly moved by the movie "Breath of Life," where a man selflessly donates his organ to his adopted son so he can live. This man, in the twilight of his life, chooses to give a part of himself to a young man fighting for his life. Who does that? Well, some people still do. The acts of selflessness in this man highlight the incredible compassion and humanity that exists in people. If more individuals were/ are willing to make such sacrifices, even in death, our world could be a much better place.

Taking organs from deceased individuals is not a bad thing, so far, it has the potential to save lives. The government simply needs to approach this with wisdom and compassion. Some individuals believe it is against their religion, beliefs, culture, and traditions, and convincing them might take a longer period. However, there's no point if we allow it to waste just like that. Just my opinion👌

Even though, there are long-term implications to consider. While the positive outcomes of saving lives are significant, there could also be negative aspects. We must acknowledge that medical errors can occur, and careful safeguards need to be in place to ensure the ethical and proper use of donated organs. Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

However, if defaulting on a thing like this attracts heavy punishment, I would struggle to comply with the ethical implications of forced organ donation. Knowing fully well it is to save lives. But, with the right system of government and ethical considerations in place, mandatory organ donation could be a crucial step toward saving souls and restoring the lost hope in families affected by this disease.

If I am to be elected to govern, my number one agenda is to see people living at all costs, build more standard hospitals equipped with standard instruments, and employ professionals who will do the job perfectly. So help me God 🙏

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This is my response to #hivelearners writing edition on the topic; Organ donation is a must.

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