Why Creatives Shouldn't Be Afraid Of Artificial Intelligence!

For decades before the past decade, artificial intelligence has been a staple of science fiction and fantasy. It was the stuff of movies and novels—but it isn't just anymore. In fact, AI is already here and has the potential to transform businesses across every industry. But if you're not convinced that your creative business should take advantage of this trend, read on! Here's why I think creatives shouldn't be afraid of AI (and why you should embrace it):

Get Ahead Of The Creative Curve

You can take advantage of AI by using it to create new products, services, and processes. AI is also being used to improve existing products and services. For example, Amazon uses machine learning to predict product purchases and recommend items based on past purchases. It also uses predictive analytics to suggest items that may be of interest based on previous searches; if you've searched for "boots" before, it will show similar boots when they become available or go on sale again.

AI is also being used to automate routine tasks such as analyzing data or identifying fraudulent behavior within an organization's systems—for example, an automated fraud detection system might flag a suspicious transaction before it occurs and prevents financial loss for the company involved.

AI can help generate new ideas and concepts by grouping together similar objects from different sources. This process has been used effectively in advertising campaigns such as those that target specific demographics based on their interests (for example: targeting millennials with ads related to travel abroad). Another use case involves categorizing images into various categories (e.g., food vs non-food) so that machine learning algorithms can learn what each category looks like so they can accurately identify them later down the line when reviewing similar pictures. This technique was recently applied successfully during last year’s ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge wherein convolutional neural networks won three gold medals out of five categories!

Test The Waters To See What AI Can Do For You

You might be afraid of AI because it's new and unfamiliar, but the truth is that it isn't going anywhere. It'll only get better as time goes on, so you might as well start testing the waters with it now. You'll want to start using AI in small ways—for example, by using tools like Google Sheets or Excel to help you organize your business data more efficiently. Or maybe you can use an app like Hootsuite to manage multiple social media accounts at once instead of hiring an intern or assistant to take care of them for you! Or start generating pictures and blogs with text instead of hiring writers or designers or doing it yourself by learning software and other skills.

If these things seem useful but not exactly revolutionary yet? That's totally normal—you'll find that most forms of artificial intelligence don't completely replace human beings just yet (and they won't anytime soon). But they do make our lives much easier in small ways that add up over time. If we're able to save ourselves even a few hours here and there by using technology instead of doing everything ourselves manually (which is mostly what I do), then why wouldn't we take advantage? 🤤

AI Is A Partner, Not Competitor

So, you've made the decision to incorporate AI into your creative process. Good for you! But before we get started on that, let's make sure we're on the same page about how to use AI as a partner instead of a competitor.

AI isn't going to replace creativity. No one wants an algorithm babbling out ideas and expecting them to be works of art. Instead, think of artificial intelligence as another tool in your toolbox—a way to assist with creativity rather than replacing it altogether.

Find New Ways To Engage Customers

AI can help you find new ways to engage customers. It's not just about buying from your store, but also about how they interact with your brand and products. AI will allow you to tailor experiences for each customer and create personalized experiences that keep them coming back for more.

You'll be able to track what users are doing on your website, and then offer them relevant content or promotions based on data from previous interactions. This means that users won't get tired of seeing the same old things - instead, they'll see new content when it's most relevant for them!

AI has already proven itself as an immensely powerful tool for engaging with consumers in new ways. For example, chatbots can offer personalized recommendations based on user data and preferences—something that would be incredibly challenging for a human being alone.


Creatives can use AI to make their business more efficient, but it's important not to let fear keep you from trying new things. If anything, it's exciting to think about what we might be able to do now with all of these tools at our disposal. The best thing about artificial intelligence is that it won't replace us—it will help us evolve as creators and better serve our customers' needs.

So, if you're feeling hesitant about the future, don't worry! Instead, embrace the fact that creativity is still very much in demand today as ever before. After all, there's a reason why people still love buying products handmade by real human beings instead of just shopping online OR using apps on their phones all day long without ever having met anyone face-to-face.

As a creative, you have an incredible opportunity to be on the cutting edge of AI. The technology is still in its infancy, and it's easy to see how you can use it to improve your business and grow your audience.

Don't be afraid to try it!

@ausbitbank created a Stable Diffusion Text-To-Image Bot and you can experience the power of AI yourself :)

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