An Exotic Vacation Place I WANT TO VISIT (BALI) | Week 04 Edition 01

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hello all my friends who are on this amazing platform, especially those who are members of the #HIVELEARNERS community, it doesn't feel like the weekly contest held by this community has entered its 4th week, and I'm very grateful that I still have the opportunity to follow it, and the topic for the first issue for This week is very interesting for me to discuss, namely "a getaway"

Tell us about an exotic location you would very much love to visit. It does not have to be in your country, and it does not matter that you have not been there before. Just tell us a little about it and why you would love to go there one day.

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The place I want to visit the most from the past is "BALI", Have you ever heard of BALI? Bali is one of the provinces in my country Indonesia, BALI is very famous, in fact every day tourists from various countries come to BALI for vacation, one of the reasons they like BALI is that apart from many tourist attractions, the people there are friendly ( according to the information I got).


the first is definitely because I've never been there, then a deep curiosity made me really want to go there, I know Bali has an EXotic coastline, lots of beach points that attract the attention of every tourist who comes there, how not, BALI has now become one one of the world's tourist attractions, where people from various parts of the world definitely choose BALI as their destination.

Every time I open social media I always see posts by my country's artists posting their videos or photos in Bali, I am very interested in the scenery there, every time I see posts about the beauty of Bali I always intend to go there, but not now, because the distance between where I live to Bali is very far and I have to save up to buy plane tickets and expenses while I'm there, maybe one day I can visit BALI.

Okay, maybe that's a little review about the vacation spots that I want to visit the most from the first, hopefully one day we can all visit the places we've been dreaming of for a long time.

Thank you for this valuable opportunity, see you in the next topic

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