A CULTURAL FESTIVAL "Karapan Sapi Madura" | Week 02 Edition 01

Hi everybody..
Greetings to all friends in the #HiveLearners community, hopefully all are in good health and able to carry out their usual activities, today I will also participate in a weekly contest with the topic "A Cultural Festival".

Tell us all about the festivals held in your country which are unique just for your people. And tell us why you enjoyed it so much. Or if not.


This time I will choose one of the cultural festivals that I think is unique in my country, of course there are many cultural festivals in my country INDONESIA, but I will choose the one that I think is the most unique and every year I watch this annual festival .

(can be interpreted as a cow race)

This festival has become a hereditary culture for the people on the island of "MADURA". This annual activity is estimated to have existed since the 13th century, the MADURA community holds this festival once a year, this activity is like a cow race, each participant decorates their cows as attractively as possible to take part in the competition, not only the attractive cows that will be in the audience's spotlight, every The jockeys are also in the spotlight because they are very brave to ride the cow at a very fast pace.

Every year the participants who take part in this event are very enthusiastic, they do not only target victory in this race, most of them make this a hobby, where they like to show off their flagship cows, they have prepared their flagship cow since they were babies, they take care of and train cows from a young age, so it's no wonder the price of cows for this Festival can match the price of luxury cars.




Every year I go to Madura Island with my family just to watch this annual Festival, not only local people, usually every event will be held, the Madura Island government also provides facilities for people who come from abroad, because every year tourists from abroad The country always comes to enjoy this interesting and unique annual event.

Every time the cow race starts, I always advocate for my favorite jockey, not just anyone for this race, they must be really trained, because it is not as easy as we imagine, this is very different from horse racing, the jockey for this cow race controls the two cows at once even more to reach the finish line.

This is very interesting, apart from its history, this festival is also an attraction for every foreign tourist to come to the island of Madura, maybe you should watch this festival, if you haven't been able to come directly to Madura Island, you usually see it on youtube, you will easily find it. find it.

Okay, maybe this is all I can describe about my version of a unique cultural festival, if you like it I am very grateful, I am very happy to be able to participate in this contest, on the one hand I am proud to be able to introduce one of my country's cultural festivals to all of you. THANKS.


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