Would I give my life for world peace? Would you?

The world truly is not in peace, and people, including me, would give anything for that peace. This was what I thought in the first place, without thinking for a fact, if my life would be the remedy for world peace. I was asked, "Would I be willing to give my life so that everyone else on the planet would have a good and happy one? No more hunger, poverty, or disease. Would I be willing to lay down my life?
I thought about this for a while, and then I realized the burden Jesus must have felt when he was asked to come and die for people who had done nothing for him.

Well, he was able to do so because he was God in the flesh, but I am not God in the flesh; I am just a human like everyone else, so I have to think about this very well before I give my response.

Before I continue my writing, I would like to welcome you to my blog.

Hello, my name is Fashtioluwa, and I am a cool guy. As an alien from Mars, it's nice to see you on my blog. Thanks for reading.

I have always had this thought since I was in university, after one of my favorite uncles died. "If I were to pass away today, who would my death impact the most?" Who would be sad? How many people will cry and wish I was still alive?"

I don't know if those are intrusive thoughts, but I have always had these thoughts for a long time, and because of these thoughts, I have made up my mind not to die because I have touched, and I still need to touch people who love me.

Now, to answer the question everyone also has currently in their mind after reading this, Would I give my life for the sake of world peace?

If my death would mean the world would really be peaceful, then I don't mind being the one called the messiah who brought the world peace with his life. I am not saying I was to be like Jesus or some God. The fact is, I would like the world to know about my sacrifice so it can be a constant reminder of why there is peace in the world. I feel if such things aren't done, then the peace won't last.

If a once-and-for all death can bring the world peace, then I would like to lay down my life for the people in Ukraine, in Syria, in Somania, in Pakistan, in Nigeria, and people all over the world. I really want a world where we can all live as one without worrying about races, wealth, or position. If there were a world where a girl could feel safe with a man instead of a bear, a world where people could speak their language on the plane without getting punished for it, a world where people could dress the way they liked without seeing them as terrorists, a world where children didn't have to worry about what they were going to eat, a world before my aunty was murdered, a world where there was absolute peace, then I would be glad to lay my life down for that world.

Thanks for reading.

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