Self-Medication and its flaws

Most people take self-medication as a way of reducing costs from the doctor. Treating themselves with any available medicine that they know will work for the illness or abstain them from thinking or being alone. One fact remains, we know our bodies better than other people, in the sense of being ill. So when we feel unwell, there are times we feel like we can take care of ourselves and sometimes when we do, we become whole again because we already know the symptoms of those things happening to us but does this justify the act of self-medication?

Growing up was bliss for me because I hardly visited the hospital, my mom is a specialist in herbal medication making it rare for us to visit the hospital. Due to this fact, I got the intuition that I didn't need to visit the hospital if I was feeling sick and this really backfired.

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Before we continue, I would like to welcome you to my blog page. My name is fashtioluwa, the one from Mars and it is a pleasure to have you read my story. Now, it's time to read and learn.

After I left home to study at a higher institute, everything was going nice and smoothly until I became ill. At this time, my dad already had us registered under a health insurance policy, so there was no need for herbal drugs. All we need to do is visit the HMO registered hospital with our insurance card and treatment will be carried out without us paying a dame. I was so sick I could hardly do anything, I called my mom to explain what was wrong, and she gave me some herbal list to get so I could use it. Some of the names she was pronouncing were the first time I heard them, I did not even recognize the ones I am used to.

The fact that I had to go to the hospital was very draining and it felt like a drag, so I visited the pharmacy. The nurse at the Pharmacy kept looking at me like she could recognize a sick person from afar. I ignored her and concluded I was having malaria.

I made sure I went for the cheapest malaria drugs because as a student, you are not allowed to spend more than you have even if it concerns your health (Now I have a change of heart)

After using the drugs for one week, there was no change and this time around, I felt more sick. We lot of calls and threat from my parent, I visited the hospital and I was made to understand that I had both Malaria and typhood. I had to spend days in the hospital after I was admited and since that day, I visit the hospital when I am sick.

In Conclusion.

Self medication are good when you know what you are doing but can pose a lot of risk when you don't understand how you feel but you believe you know the right drugs for the illness. There are many people who have lost their life due to assumption, and this is why it is better to talk to someone about your illness before taking any medication so when things go south, there will always be someone to tell the doctors the medications you have used.

Thanks for reading.

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