Parental Responsibility vs. Community Influence: Shaping a Child's Behavior

As a person who is very familiar with kids because my parents tend to bring many of them to our home to stay with us, the question of parental responsibility in a child's behavior and actions hits close to home. The words "Train up a child in the way he or she should grow, and when they are old, they will not depart from it" are in fact the truth, but one thing remains established in our lives, which I would say again in another adage, "It takes a whole community to train a child."

This topic is one that sparks debate and reflection as we discuss the complexities of parenting and the influence the community has on a child's development.

Yesterday, I stumbled upon some kids maltreating a wounded puppy; they were doing it for fun, and it really annoyed me, and this made me ask a question on the emergency wave. "Are people taught to be wicked, or are they born that way?"

Before I continue, it would be rude not to introduce myself to you. I am fashtioluwa, the alien on hive, the one known to have come from Mars, it's nice to meet you and thanks for reading my blog.

When a child misbehaves or commits a major infraction to society, it's natural to question where the fault lies. Some may argue that parents bear the primary responsibility for their children's actions, as they are tasked with raising and guiding them. Parents play a crucial role in instilling values, discipline, and moral compass in their children, shaping their character and decision-making abilities.

However, it is important to recognize that parenting is not an easy task, as some parents even struggle to instill value in their children who don't want it. Every child is unique, in their personality, experiences, and choices. The fact remains that the parent has the highest responsibility of passing this value on to them. Daily discussion of etiquette, teaching them things that are not acceptable in the community, and many more. And this is where the proverb comes in again. "Train up your child in the way they should grow, and when they are old, they will not depart from it."
While parents can provide love, support, and guidance, they cannot control every aspect of their child's life or predict every decision they will make.

There are instances where, despite a parent's best efforts, a child may still stray off the right path. Factors such as peer influence, societal pressures, mental health issues, or personal circumstances can also play a significant role in a child's behavior. In such cases, it becomes more complex to attribute blame solely to the parents.

We also have parents who are very bad at parenting; they want the world for their children and fail to correct their children when they are wrong, even in public, so they don't lose face in front of their children.

Ultimately, the question of fault in a child's misbehavior is not always black and white. If a child misbehaves or causes mayhem in the community, the history of the child needs to be traced back. There are some pastors with the evilest child, and there are others with the most amazing child. It all depends on different factors, but it all starts at HOME.

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