Habit I am trying to do away with:

One thing I have come to understand is that we are human, we are not perfect, which is why we have the will of our own to improve on those imperfections. There are times we develop some habits that we are not known with but the environment and situation surrounding us are what have molded our characters or habits into what they are now. Today I will be sharing with you all the habits I developed over the years I have been trying to do away with, but before I do, I would like to introduce myself to you all.

Hello hivelearners community and everyone reading this, my name is Fashtioluwa. I am from Mars and if you check my bio, you will confirm that. I welcome you to my blog, now let's discuss what you open the blog for.

When I say, I have a habit I have been trying to do away with, I mean it because this habit has already become like an addition. I don't know if such a habit comes with adulthood because I am very sure many adults out there must have developed this habit at one time or another. This poor habit of mine is a "Lack of communication or Keeping in touch"

I am a friendly time who always checks up on my friends, I have different groups, and I always check on them but for the past two years, I developed a habit of not caring to communicate with people I am far away from. I have this belief of "Call me when you have something to say or you need me"

The truth is that this habit of mine has kept me away from valuable friends because I believe they can't be of help to me. After all, they are far away so I see no reason to communicate with them. Sometimes, I defend this habit with "Everyone is busy" "We are all adults, we have grown" and "Since they did not call me so why should I call them?"

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Bro, that's the lie I tell myself every day, a lie to make myself feel I am writing not to communicate with friends far away. It's funny how I will make friends now, and when I leave that environment, I also say goodbye to communicating with them.

No one needs to tell me this before I know it is a bad habit. Well, like I said, we are all human. We are not perfect, which means we have the chance to grow and improve ourselves in our shortcomings.

The best I have been able to do to change this habit is to check on people via text on social media. It might take a while to reply to them all but I always do my best to reply all. I make sure to call family members every Saturday, I try not to miss out on this. My siblings in far away land, I do keep in touch, and for my cousins, I have a social group where I harder them up for group greetings. My other friends, I chat them up and try to make sure I keep in contact.

This is it for me. Thanks for reading.

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