
This is my response to week 114 edition 1 engagement. This was one of the best weekend I have ever had this month. It was well sent. My church youth celebrated their youth week which was climaxed on Sunday. I was the moderator. We had varieties of events which draws the participation of other church members. At the end, there was presentation of songs and cooked eggs wrapped in foil paper. Hmmm please don't ask me where is your share because I asked the youth secretary she quickly responded that it has finished. I was like what? Emmmmm she did not hear oooo because I nursed it within my heart. I hope you had a wonderful week as well.

The theme for this edition is so powerful because it made think beyond my widest imagination considering my association with plenty children. I have been involved into rural outreaches for a while now and I have met different kind of children that displayed sheer intelligence that I can't easily keep quiet. Children generally are Materials that are loaded with potential. At times such potential becomes brighter and bigger as they grow up. Let me use this opportunity to appreciate all the children in the world for their overwhelming intelligence displayed.

Let me start with my friend's daughter who is just less than four years. I was so amazed at her display and coordination of things. This little damsel could boldly called out three and four letter words and even read some simple printed materials. The most amazing thing is in the area of response to questions. Once you ask her question she would boldly give answer with good voice, grammatical expression. I was like hmmm this is wonderful to me because I haven't seen children in her category with such sheer intelligence. She always like asking her mother sequence of questions. Another thing is that she can at least take care of her kid sister ha...I was like could this be an adult that metamorphosed to a child? It's completely amazing and always amazing.

Let me share a story of my elder brother when he was a child. When I heard it from my father and I was impressed with that till now. In less than ten years, my elder brother started interpreting the Bible and started preaching to a great number of congregation during Sunday services. Some other ministers started inviting him for programme. There was this faithful day my elder brother went for an evangelism to a village and he went and planted a church. Kai...at that age? This is quite impressive for me and high display of intelligence. I know some people at forty years that can't even mobilise people talked more of opening a church but imagine this young man at this age could do this kind of outstanding thing.

Till today, the church my elder brother opened has been waxing strong and stronger always. They even have a residence pastor right now. I noticed that there are exceptional children that are seeking for expression but the environment is not favourable to accommodate them.

Conclusively, I have two wonderful kids and I deliberately never wanted to share about them hoping to that subsequently. They have been doing well and excellent things. Once again I sincerely appreciate every child with amazing display of potential out there.

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