Every human being is uniquely created with a distinctive traits. Discovery of this goes a long way to make more meaning and add beauty to life. What inspires is to keep going in the journey differs because of the variance in our passion, hobbies, and exposure to life experiences. Human beings can't be classified as the same because no matter what, there's always a differential factor.

It gladdens my heart to stumble on this week's edition one post again. Last week it was superb and spirited filled themes which directly involves practical life issues. For this edition, is another reality that must not be taken for granted at all course. The subject of discussion focuses on the kind of moral codes that one keeps unbreakable no matter the situation to ensure that a set goal is achieved.

Before I proceed let me quickly highlight my input on the key words of this discussion.

what's moral codes?This is not a new word and is practiced by individuals directly or indirectly. Moral codes is the sets of principles or rules to guide one to attain a target. Moral codes could be seen as life rules, standard calved by people in order to establish a sustainable with their culture and norms.

Moral codes entails the guidelines outlined by individuals or people to maintain ethical standards or decisions. Moral codes are principles or method deployed to help one to live in the society. Moral codes could be command, principles that houses a man's decision in life.

You can't be an achiever without a moral codes. Moral code plays a vital role in development and achievement of success. One of the easiest ways to deal with distractions is to have moral codes. If you don't have code you may not be able to enjoy life because it will be boring. You would easily give up when you pas through turbulence situation. Moral code is always very important to have.

moral codes I can't break easily.

I have come to realize that there are certain codes in my life I tagged them unbreakable. No matter how difficult things are, it's like an impossible mission to give up once I reflect on these and spur myself to forge ahead with things.

  • Number one is what I called consistency. I detest to see people giving up on things because they tried it once and perhaps it did not work. I believe in the power of consistency over everything I do in life. Consistency breaks a lot of shackles. My journey on hive blockchain would have ended in deadlock if not that I was consistent. Sometimes I don't get votes yet I kept writing at least today things aren't the same again. My reputation has hit seventy and I am aiming for higher reputation before the end of the year.
  • Another thing that has become my guiding principle in life is integrity. I value this very well. What are you known for? Don't have a double lifestyle instead be known for a particular thing and stay on it. Life of integrity includes being sincere over things. I don't like breaking integrity.
  • One of my moral code is time management. Time is an important resources that must be taken with great care and valued very well. I wouldn't want someone to waste my time neither do I want to waste someone else's time as well.


Moral codes are vital tools that enables one to sustain stability with the culture and norms as a result of rules beings he set out.

thanks for reading through my response for week 123 edition of 1 engagement for hive learners.

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