The variance between school then and currently is obvious. A lot would be said at least for those of us that were privilege to pick some notable changes and the story told unto us. This second edition is really intriguing for me which propelled me to have a deep thought before I could drop this post. A reflection on the past and present gives one a clear dichotomy of the different changes that had occurred.

I had no privilege to start school in the 80s and 70s but I became engrafted in 1993 when I started my primary one studies. History had it and I was privileged to receive testimonies from those who enjoyed the dividend of the government then. A cousin of mine who gained admission into advance college which is an equivalent of the present day college of education, never struggled for admission because it was based on merit unlike what happens now. He made all the prerequisites for his course and even admission. There wasn't any thing like Godfatherism. During his studies, a lot of scholarship kept floating which made him save a substantial amount of money before his graduation. At his final year, a car and employment letter will be issued to you as soon as you are done. What a school!!!.

In the 60s and 70s in Nigeria, most tertiary institutions were well equipped with facilities that could cater for any field of studies. Those who picked sciences had the opportunity to carry out practical for almost each topic unlike the deception that goes on now where students are exposed to just textbooks or highest watch the process of a practical on YouTube. I could remember one of my professors says guys what I teach you, sorry you may not see these equipment in our country to even do the practical because of the challenges with power and other sectors. How would you install an equipment that requires constant supply of electricity in the present country of Nigeria?

I was in one of the renounced Universities in Nigeria few years ago called University of Nigeria Nsukka. I stumbled into one of the dinning Hall that was not too far from the post graduate hostel. I was shocked to my bones when one of the staff started sharing how functional was the facility in those days. He said prominent Nigerians graduated from that citadel of learning. He said in this hall when you come for breakfast, you will tap the milk pomp and take as much as you want. Each meal goes with good protein without any rush or trampling on any one. Their populations were sizeable enough such that the management can account for several of the students. What a decline presently where there is nothing like dinning again and who feeds you in the tertiary institution?

School then was after character and educational pursuits unlike now where moral decadence has really dropped and students constitutes part of nuisance in destroying school. Character has been substituted in the present school to disobedience and stubborn spirit. No matter how it's presented one thing for such school then was far better, productive and impacful compare to what I see now. The current school situation is an aberration of the former school. The present school in Nigeria has been politicised from both staff and students. In my days, I couldn't pay so much for handout and other charges. School fees was fair and accommodative for an average citizen. There wasn't strike actions or an rampage compared to what goes on now. The rate of cultism activity has increased presently.

My suggestion centres on prayers for everyone to be sincere and truthful and diligent in doing the right in order to revive everything. It takes only God.

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