
Hi great hivers,
It's with an open heart I welcome and celebrate everyone reading or perusing my blog at this moment and trust that you are bubbling sound in all areas of life. As for many of us participating in this noble and great engagement for the third edition I say well done and I really appreciate how dogged we've been in keeping this community alive and active. My prayer of God's blessings goes to everyone.
Finally kudos to the management for putting up this and I hope we would find another favour.

As I always put it clearly in most of my writings, two things are vital in life is either you pick one or leave the other. Staying at the fence might not really helped and cause havoc. Therefore it would be very important that one take a decision and abide by it. The subject before us presents two options that I feel are always in motion in the life of everyone depending on the kind of circumstances that presents itself.

Ladies and gentlemen, what informs people to take certain decision in life is the kind of circumstances that befallen them. Human beings are dynamic so also in terms of taking decision. What makes life interesting is on the strength of step taken.
Risk taking entails the capacity to adapt, bear and navigate even in a terrible situation or hopeless situation being able to take a positive resultant stand. While being safe is being quiet even when you ought to talk or take a stand. Inability to take sight or a direction can be termed as playing safe. You don't want to fail, you are afraid to take an opinion.
I think playing safe is not always good because it won't yield to any substantial resultant.
I want to say that every result in life is accompanied by a quantum of risk taken.

My little experience.

I have been in a situation where I was left with these two choices of either to take risk or play safe. In the course of my entrepreneurial journey,I had to take the risk of waiving certain friends who don't have positive impact on my pursuit for financial breakthrough because of how pessimistic they were. Though they were so close to me, I bore the risk of leaving them and keep the friendship on hold so that I would be able to achieve my life goals financially. Aside that, I had been well equipped with the knowledge of the attributes of an entrepreneur of which the outstanding factor is the risk taking. That actually formed a good business sphere in my brain which I kept me sailing.

There was one another risk I took when i made up my mind to get married. I had to stick to what God told me about my wife than to play safe just being toiled by the suggestion of people. I made up my mind to bear any consequences of my decision in marriage. Therefore, I can say marriage is also a risk decision in life that whatever might be the outcome you just have to accept it.

All the choice of the risk I took really paid off positively for me and I appreciate God that I took such decision.
Risk taking is a way of life and the more risk you venture into the more refined you become.

I acknowledge everyone that stepped in to my blog and peruse.

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