Moderation on alcohol and not ban.


Drugs and alcohol are two complicated issues that most times I find it difficult to talk about. Even when I made some attempts I end up either over flocking one or saying less about the other. One thing I am certain of is that both of them have devastating effects on the human system, individual's mental health, relationship etc if not properly managed. Personally I think there are cogent reasons before the producer's intention in manufacturing both the drugs and alcohol. When this instructions aren't known, one is left with the option of abusing them or misunderstanding them. It's said that when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. I Concord t this wholeheartedly.

I don't why drugs has been tamed ban while alcohol is widely accepted. I think there should be a mystery behind this that I don't know perhaps as you are reading this post and you know why is like this kindly drop it at the comment section so that it could be of help to me. In my country, there is even an agency in form of paramilitary whose services are within the corridor of drugs. They monitor and ensure strict compliance to no abuse of drugs. I think they call them Drug law enforcement Agency hmmmm my question still remains what about alcohol? Can't we have a law enforcement Agency on alcohol? Can't we have a law to ban alcohol? As these and many thoughts kept thrusting my heart, I decided to drop some few perspective on this and how the society can also be on the same page with me.

I am not trying to absolutely say yes to everything about alcohol but to highlight some few things. I wouldn't want to completely ban alcohol but I will try to give regulation. I think the safest measures to be taken on this is to take it moderately. Not too high but at the low level fine. Just yesterday, my landlord happened to be the chairman of his tribal people. He hosted them in the compound. These are highly placed and successful business men and women. They don't take alcohol regularly but occasionally and not in high quantity. After the meeting, I carefully went and spotted the small cup they used to serve themselves. Please I didn't taste ooooo and note that I don't take alcohol. They weren't intoxicated, I think this s the moderation I am emphasizing.

From different researchers I got to realised that alcohol has some positive effect to the body systems. It was said that alcohol is useful in preservation of cake, beverages, or generally they are used as preservatives.
Moderate intake of alcohol helps to decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Alcohol when taken moderately helps to reduce the potential of any heart attack. It also helps to reduce the risk of or reduces blood clotting. Remember the word moderate here is vital but if it exceeds that you will end up in the hospital.

As I conclude, many cultures especially in Africa accept alcohol. Infact during traditional rites one of the vital component that can't easily be removed from the list of bride price is alcohol. It has become like a system now. Something they have been doing since before I was born, coming to enshrined another policy of placing a ban on it might not be feasible. Therefore the only thing I would do to create a balance with the society is that alcohol should be taken moderately.

thanks for reading through my post and this is my response to week 118 edition 1 of hive learners engagement.

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