The picture above clearly shows my beautiful kids that God gave me the privilege to impact them and the entire community. When I saw the theme for the first edition, I was excited because it's something that has been part of my life aside from blogging. Infact, my main passion and call in life is to serve humanity or better still humanitarian services. In this post, I will share the scope of my humanitarian services and other experiences thus far. Once again welcome to my blog and follow as I do justice to this Topic.

There are so many aspects of humanitarian services but I will be precised on the area I focused on. My flair and the desire for humanitarian services started in 2000 when I was about rounding up my junior secondary school examination. Though I could not laid a strong grip on the entire breakdown of what humanitarian services entails but I tried my best based on my level then. I was involved in reaching out to accelerated communities with the Holy gospel majorly showing film and sharing of resources. Within those periods, we were able to cover most communities. There was one community we had to sleep inside sack and when returning our canoe capsized into the river. Thank God we were delivered. In summary lives were transformed positively.

After my first degree studies, I got involved deeply into humanitarian services because I saw more reasons why I need to pay back to the society in my own little way. Though I have not been able to work with one organisation but the Lord helped me to form one of which I am at the verge of registering it. Basically what we do is to reach out to communities with socioeconomic development through skill acquisition, sharing of materials, training and seminars. Recently we started some educational services in a remote village which started in January this year. The first picture was when I snapped with the children first week of resumption. We have about 40 good children, the village head and entire communards embraced this development with the whole of their hearts. We are hopeful that the Lord will grant us more partners and sponsors effective service delivery. We hope to have even a tertiary institution some day.

Aside from educational services, we were able to share clothes, literature, counseling and other relief materials to people. This kind gesture is normally done periodically and lots of life transforming testimonies abounds. Youths, men and women of different kind have been affected during our outreaches and I'm currently planning for one during this Easter.

Another side of the humanitarian services I render is teaching. For couple of years now I have been teaching chemistry for students at secondary school and even tertiary institution. This is an opportunity for me to show case my gift and impact a student with the necessary knowledge. I could remember one of the boys I taught biology in 2010 is now a renounced barrister of the federal republic of Nigeria. It gladdens my heart so much at least amongst others one has been singled and is doing exploits. There's another one that today he's a pastor of a particular denomination. These guys still call me baba simply because of the kind of knowledge I was able to share with them. It's good to maximise every opportunity for impact.

I'm excited over what I do and the fulfillment I deduce from it keeps me going and I don't think of quitting neither of changing soon. Thanks so much for reading through my post and all comments appreciated.

all pictures are mine and were snapped with my phone.

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