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This is the second edition of the week 114 engagement in this great platform of hive learners I hope every participant is bubbling in the ocean of good health just as I am here. It's been a great week and I pray the Lord will grant all of us a fulfilled day. The weather here has been so amazing and fairly ok for everyone to thrive through.

The topic for this edition is quite amazing for me and I must say that I like it. I prefer home made meals to fast food. As the name implies hahahaha fast food. I don't like eating fast. I'm not a fan of a packaged food. I prefer knowing exactly what I am eating. I don't so much like fast food because it won't get me satisfied and I don't know where and how is cooked. There was a time we went and eat in a restaurant suddenly, we found out an object in the swallow. When I saw it, I shouted and that's the end of my participation in that food. With such experiences, I started wondering what kind of water was used for cooking? Who cooked it? I quietly told myself that I won't eat fast food again.

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I could remembered when I travelled somewhere and needed to take a cup of tea. When I examined the environment, I noticed that his hygiene wasn't satisfactory to me but I had no option because I needed to eat something and his shop was the closest. When he served me, the quantity wasn't enough for me. I noticed that he mixed saccharine was added to water to make it sweater with other spices. The bread too was exposed and I never liked the quality of the bread at all. Immediately after that experience, I decided not to go take such thing again even I believed there are other neater and better ones out there.

The reason why I preferred home made meals started when I was staying with my late uncle. I really learnt a lot from him oooo. He lost his first wife in 1990s. It took him almost 19years before he remarried. In between those periods, I had the privilege to stay with him for a couple of years. My uncle hardly buys already made food outside and he doesn't stay outside for long. During these periods, I started learning how to cook. I started from the simple ones like cooking yam, boiling water then after few months, I improved to start preparing meals even on Sundays for visitors. That is how my heart became knitted to home made meal.

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Home made meals are genuine for me. No matter stress out I am, I still find space to cook. Gradually it became like fun for me and very easy to prepare any kind of food. The rate at which people are falling sick is quite alarming. And eating an unknown food is also dangerous to the human health. There are some people too suffering with critical health issues like hepatitis etc. Home made meal might be difficult to prepare but it requires lots of discipline. Home made food might consumes much time but it safer and better for me.

As a family, it has also became like a trend for everyone to enjoy home made meals. It's amazing that most of my cousins who are males that stayed with my late uncle knows how to cook. Family means a lot to me. There are some families that have exposed their children to fast food because of the nature of their jobs and other engagements. Family means a lot to me.

Thanks for reading through.

This also serves as my entry for day 15 #mayinleo initiative. click
And hive learners prompt week 114edition 2.

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