
A pleasure once again to have you on this sphere life. My warmest regards goes to every participant fortunate to engage on this task and my joy overflow to the entire management for putting some thing like this. This is my response to the week 92 edition 1 contest which focuses on what I titled exploring the environment with my visitor.

In times and season as this, one is open and expectant of any kind of visitor because another name to this season is called visitation. Many have been so busy at their work place while others hardly go out for break except at an important period like this. Hmmm sometimes is once in a year meeting therefore it's expedient that one takes advantage of this moment to achieve lots of things. If I have the privilege to host a visitor or guest the following activities are billed up for me to entertain such personality well.

The first exploration I will do to the visitor is going on adventure to my village. I am quite sure this experience will be indelible. My village has lots of attraction and site for viewing which many people tend to take advantage during festive period like this to explore. There two outstanding features that resonates in the heart of most people in my locality. The mountains are beautiful to behold always. One can climb even to the peak and could see the topography of the environment. Recently the Chinese people starting exploring the mineral deposits in the mountains by cutting these stones to very attractive sizes. In fact, they have started making tiles from it presently which attracts many buyers. A visit to such place is very important and one could see how the machines crack the rock and cut them into pieces. Aside the mountain the village is surrounded by river which has a link also to the main river of my nation. If you know how to swim then you would enjoy this river very well. Sometimes children go to catch fish. Taking my guest to my village will cause an round transformation.

I will take my visitor to jk palms. This is one of the famous park within my locality. You find children's park, bar, relaxation spot and even a mini zoo where one could see some animals. JK palms presently is one of the happening place in my area. At times because of the traffic,one has to book few days before coming. My guest will really explore this facility.

Aside the aforementioned places, I will also take my guest to Kini country guest Inn. This is the best hotel in my place where prominent people visit and standard meetings are held. I will lodge him for a night in order to see the beauty of the place. We would also take a stroll to their swimming pool, gymnastics arena and many other features within the hotel. Because of the season there's a reduction in their charges. Ice cream won't be a bad idea for us to chill with. There is one good yogurts called coconut I buy.

Exploring my environment means a lot to me because I would also benefit at the end. Thanks

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