I'm very happy to share with you in this first edition of week 134 engagement in this beautiful community.
When I saw the topic, I had to enquire for more clarification so that I would know what to write.

Attention must be given to the educational system we have in the present economy especially Nigeria. It's commonly said that education is the bedrock of every society. Any one without education is like a tree without tap root. This is the basis of every community which shouldn't be taken for granted at all.

Can students do better than less strict rules?

Discipline is the mother of any good outcome especially in the educational system. The performance of every students depends on certain factors however I would like to consider strict rules for the sake of this write up. Rules are important because it enables a good atmosphere for discipline. In the case of students where no set of regulation is placed on them hmmmm everyone would do what he likes hence it will cause more havoc to their performance.

Rules are guidelines or principles which gives direction and guidance to anyone.
When these rules are tampered with, it would definitely affect the productivity of students as a result of lackadaisical approach to their academic pursuits.
These stringent rules should not be reduced neither should it be less but they should find a way of even improving on it.

Is traditional way of writing exams still working?

Hmmm with the decadence in moral in the present society, the traditional way of writing exams has been bastardize. Most students presently hardly read their books and prepare for exams instead, they preferred to engage themselves in exams malpractice. Students preferred crooked way of getting results than doing the right thing.

Despite the decadence in morals, there are yet students that are outstanding who still make efforts to maintain the standard no matter the course. I could remember during my days in secondary, I refused to engage my self with illicit act. God helped me.

My advice or suggestion to educational system.

With the advent of technology and rapid advancement globally it's expedient that attention be given to the educational system than any other sectors. If the educational system is revamp definitely it will permeate to other sectors. Some of the counsels I have for the educational system are;

  • Teacher's salary shouldn't be looked into carefully. A better remuneration should be considered.
  • Once in a while there should be refresher course for teachers and students. This would help to boost their intellectual of both students and teachers.
  • There are some classrooms that are dilapidated which needs to be renovated. I was in a community last weekend hmmm it would marvel you at what I saw with eyes. No any reasonable structure is standing again.
  • The educational aid or teaching aid should be made available to make learning interesting.

picture is mine

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