Reunion: At my arms length!

I have always liked it quiet, I mean my surroundings.
Oh...ahmm...I assume "like" would not be appropriate perhaps.
Rather, somehow on the road it grew quiet and I just became accustomed and comfortable with that kind of background that frames my world.
So to say, I am that one kid who does not belong to any circle or group particularly but like a floating cloud, waving around everywhere, being friends with everyone in the sight!
Hence, I have never envisioned I would even consider participating in a reunion! Let alone owing any momentums to reminisce!

Yet, what are the odds I have seized both the reunion and the memories for me!

As for the standing out the most amongst that very few, the first one that always pops up right behind the "reunion" word is college reunion.

You know...College is a very complicated, short, beautiful eventually a very baffling time.
Like those glittering, shinny bubble! You became all enchanted, fascinated and getting ready to catch up but...time up!
You are a newly grown up, rightfully being adult! Not very cliché like high-schoolers, not too much mature like people in 20s!
And only the world start changing colors!
You start to have a comprehension on relationships, bonds, life, career orientation as a part of reality.
And then that co-exists with that mushy-warm sensation of colorful world, fancy dreams and wave of emotions, super-human aspiration that the world is all yours to live!

And that life is like a magical curse, no one can get by without having the taste regardless it's nature!

Somehow, even a dull, monotonous person like me had her momentums in that short, puzzling, annoying college life!
Even though, I did not really feel like attending the reunion, as there were faces I would very much love not to confront. Yet I could not help but being greedy after 5 years when I got the invitation!

The union for me was as expected full of awkwardness, sad.

Now that I never thought, why I did?
Perhaps I was curious how they are doing, where they are now!
What is the condition to those never-ending friendships, happily-eve-after couples, weird bunch of group homies and many more things!
Yes, there were many known faces, but there were familiar faces as well. Unfortunately the known faces had rather seemed more unknown that those of actually unfamiliar ones!

Even though, I had this bad-ass group, used to be famous in the whole college, I found the vibe was not very comfortable from them!
And as sharp intuitional as I am, I did not try to laugh it off and remember our good-old-days.
I could not just simply squeeze myself in.
And it was my birthday!
The worst part was I could not even leave because that would be rude and unsocial.

Yet I am very happy that I had participated regardless all those awkwardness!

I am a person that only knows how to draw-a-line.
Like I said, I am everyone's friend, but nobody is my friend.
Of course, I do not love this characteristic of mine!
It is just I can not help it, until someone cross the boundary and push line.
And Binu did that.

She came on to me, blew my boundary and said this is how you make friends.

She is my first friend, I made in my 23rd year of life!
She made me feel, what it is like to truly, literally have a friend!
She is the first person to gift me a rose Boquete, to fix my purl of my saree, buy me first aid bandage and put on my know those very trivial things a sweet- teen boyfriend would for his cherished girl.

She had friends.
Best, close friends.
And amazing circle.
She is moody, very unlikely to do those for anyone!
I did not even knew her name until the reunion day!
I have seen her couple of times, because her best friend was my friend's girlfriend.
I do not know why, she adored me so much.

oihn.jpgFor some reason, we barely talk these days.

We grew apart, as we grew up!

I have almost forgotten, when was the last time we laughed and eat together.
Perhaps because both of us passing our hardest time of life.
Everyday spending all our energy for thriving and struggling, pushing back and forth, while consistently & constantly fighting to hang in there.
But I do wish she stays there.
Even though it is not very visible but I hope she can always be at my arms length.

One day I wish I could tell her, Binu! Godd, I miss you.

How are the little fishes of your aquarium doing?
Are the plants growing longer and longer, wrapping the balcony?
Shall we go for a some roaming?
I am missing the fragrance of the rose. Will you buy me again?
How about a evening city tour by slow-steady rickshaw ride?
And of course with tea and fuchka (kind of street food)?

So yes, it is a veryyyy memorable one!
The worst reunion gifted me one of the best persons of my life.

Now, I really need a reunion with her!

All the contents are mine, until it is mentioned

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