MY FAVORITE MUSIC - Top 3 |Week 03 Edition 02

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Hello guys, hope we are all doing great.

I want to sincerely thank the leader's of @hive-learners community for given us this wonderful opportunity to express ourselves in different ways.

The 2nd Edition topic for this week is "Your Favorite Music".

Who does not love music, music is what touches our heart and our innermost being, it can serve as a source of strength and happiness. What we cannot express by ourselves,music helps us to express it.
Sometimes the music we listen defines who we are.
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We have favorite songs, the ones we listen to when we are happy, in love, heartbroken, in times of challenges and so on.

I have so many favorite songs the list is unending, but we where as to pick out our top 3 song in my playlist, it will be difficult for me but to pick but I will try.

My Top 3 Favorite Songs

  1. Dangote by Burna Boy

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This song was released by the Grammys Award winner know as Burna Boy in 2019.

This song is was one of the street anthem in Nigeria, this songs always serve as a motivation for the youths and others who are trying to achieve something great life.
The title is Dangote, Dangote is the name of the richest man in Africa. Burna Boy was trying to pass a message to us that, if the richest man in Africa is still working hard to get more money and wealth, then who am l to stop or give up at any point. Whenever I achieve a little success, this song reminds me not to stop but keep pushing, because those greater and better than you never stops striving to achieve greatness.
So I must say these song is my number one, it always got my back and motovates me.

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2 . 2baba- Only Me

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We all know that 2Baba formerly known as 2face is one of the music legend we have in Africa, his song is loved by all.

His song titled only me was released in far back 2008. This song talks how about how he will live if he were the only one earth, this song is one of my favorite and it still sound fresh in my right. Whenever I feel I deserve more, when there so many obstacles on my way, or when I am not given the chance to express myself the way I want to, I just listen to the song, because it gives a sense of belonging, the way I want to live my life without being disturbed by nobody or challenges, nobody will be there to tell me what to do and what's is right for me. So check out the song.

3 .Passenger- Let her go

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The song ""Let Her Go" was released in 2014 by Passenger.
This song passes alot of message to me. You only know the value of something after it is gone, I starting listening to the song when I broke up in first relationship, I missed her so much, when she was with me I never valued her that much, now she is gone, I missed her so much. These song always remind me of things I never valued when I have it, after it is gone or lost I began to regret. The song always serves as a reminder to value what I have no matter how small or unimportant it may look.


You have seen my top 3 favorite songs, what do you make of it, I would love to hear from you and also know your favorite songs too.

Thank you for reading.

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