Getting Addicted To Video Games When Money Is Involved.


The advent of video games has been a great one and have recorded a huge success. Video games in this our time have been taken to another level, people now make a living playing video games, isn't that wonderful.

The problem here is when addiction is involved. When ever we hear the word Addiction, it seems like a story that does not sound or would not end well. I have guys who can do anything for games, they are ready to sell their possessions, sacrifice a lot of their most important things just to play this games, I never thought it to be a good idea and moreover I was never so attached to video games talk more of putting all my time into it.

I'm not judging anybody, but I feel using all your time for this video game when you are profiting nothing is really a waste of time. The truth is that video games distracts you from the real world, it makes you to imagine a world that never exist, when you become so addicted it affects other area of your life especially the key areas. I have felt the power video game, you easily get addicted to it, once you are in it you keep on going, challenging yourself to pass higher levels, you think of nothing rather than this games, sometimes I forgot to eat or even take my bath to show how chronic this addiction may be.

When money is involved the addiction becomes good. You all we agree with me that when this video games puts food on the table it becomes good and acceptable, who would not like to do something that rewards you for your passion. Addiction is now taken as a profession, when I hear the amount people are making playing these video games I become very surprised, what we use to play for fun has turned to another man's career and source of income, I watched some videos on YouTube of people playing and reviewing video games, and you can see the number of views they are getting, these videos games company usually pays this gamers to test their newly launched game which is also good. If the addiction pays then it is worth it.

In conclusion what I feel is that if you can get something at the end of the day from this video games then it is good. But getting addicted to it has it's own side effect, if it is paying you that does not mean you will get so addicted to it, addiction has not been good in any way and it will never be good, enjoy yourself but don't get too attached to the extent you can achieve other goals in your life.

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