It's not a new thing to know that change and development is part of life and infact, growth and development signifies life. Humanity has undergone several changes as part of the explorative ability of we humans and in discovery, inventing and in making life/nature more beautiful and habitable. At present, science through its discoveries has contributed immensely to the developments we have now in the world while technology gives practicality i.e. a more appreciable form to science. As we know that this current generation is technology driven as many calls it a "jet-age", there is a huge difference between the way things were before and how they were now in terms of parenting, schooling/learning, skill demand, recruitment etc.


By the year 2050, the level of technological advancement to be seen by then would have been more than what is seen currently because some technologies are currently on trial or infantary which by then would have really developed. By 2025, any individual who has not upgrade his/her mind to the current technology revolution would find it difficult to cope by then because more daily activities like buying/selling, communication, job demands will be technologically driven. For example, as the world is inclining towards digitalisation of business transactions, by the year 2050, electronic-currency or e-commerce will be the order of the day more than we have now. In addition, there will be increase in online transactions and deliveries as compared to now.

Also by year 2050, the health sector which I'm privileged to be part of would have experienced immensed advancement as there would have been major breakthrough in the management of some disease conditions e.g. malaria vaccine for example been the order of the day in Africa hereby reducing malaria deaths because of its endemicity in Africa. Also, there would be more of electronic prescribing putting an end to the manual obsolete prescribing method. Also, by 2050, there will be breakthrough surgical operations than it is now as a result of more sophistication in medical equipment/gadgets.


By the year 2050, the agricultural sector would have experienced a revolution putting an end to "cutlass and hoe" substitence agriculture as more people will engage sophisticated farming equipments for their agricultural proceedures/processing. Also, the mode of learning would be more improved than it is now as digitalised learning would be the order of the day and e-learning would be the order of the day and even in physical class sessions, the learning will still involve digitalised and sophisticated teaching aids. By the year 2050, the mindset of the people then would be about keeping up with recent updates so as not to be left behind. The place of artificial intelligence (AI) will also add alot to the 2025 technological boom. The place of virtual reality games which are technology driven will be the order of the day by then.

However, there are some fallouts with this technological explosion which includes young folks will having more access to the internet and uncontrolled/uncensored content can be dangerous. In addition, many jobs will become obsolete as more people who can't upskill will lose their job and its relevance. Also, the developing countries if not intentional with technological advancement may experience a deficit or decline as compared to the develop countries. In all, the year 2050 and the technological advancement coming by then is something to look forward to as the world would experience ease and better living more than at present with no sector/industry been left out and only those with renewed mindset can cope. Thank you for reading and comments/contributions are welcomed.

This is my entry to @Hivelearners weekly featured contents, week 136 edition 02 on "IN THE YEAR 2050"

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