Romantic Stories: Their Stories Always Different From Us.

Credit to Everton Vila from

People love romantic or love stories. We all want to listen, watch, and read a narrative. One of these is always a romantic style of it, where a love story began from a twist until they become in a relationship and then come to those challenges in life, as we loved to have it, we also wanted to imagine that we are the main character in the story, you are the leading men or woman, where the magic begins. But does reading and listening to fiction or real-life love story could make our relationship goes strong? Does the experience of hardship influence us, or does this tear up the relationship? Sometimes we must look at another story to learn, but we shall say that their stories aren't the story of us.

Monday, let's make the week productive by writing another blog, as the days are going to the next season and months where "Ber" month replaces the calendar pictures. In the Philippines, the month to end with ber is the beginning of the extended celebration of holidays, where malls will expectedly expose carol songs all day.

Disclaimer: You will be about to read a blog that centered on the author's thoughts and opinion on the given topic "Romantic Stories" of the Hive Learners Week 25. The review, ideas, and matter might not be suitable for everyone, Thanks for understanding...

Credit to Krists Luhaers from

When we look at the cinemas and the version of books that gained popularity and profit, there are similarities that they have. They focus on the relationship of certain people's love and struggles, from meeting a gangster turned into a lover, or a young guy and a poor lady who begins to look upon and end up with more challenges where money could cause burdens. Those are the main concepts of the book, yet there is a pretty obvious version that people looked up to. The man or leading guy is handsome, and the other is beautiful; there was a time when you could not stop thinking. This is the version that people loved. How about reality? Does this pressure you, knowing there is a load upon reading or watching? The standard of beauty is one of the purely imaginative book covers.

I have seen that some people look this day the way they look to the stories they watched, that some girls pressure their boys to be one of the leading guys they see in the story or the man that deserved to be with them in their entire life.

Man, today is getting pressured. Their lady looked too much at the trend on the internet and compared their status to the virtual or fiction side of love stories. Where is the girl over think when the guys didn't reply, as she saw that familiar story in reading Wattpad, where that resulted to break-ups, where when girl or boys sees their partner in a situation typical to the movie they watched, ended up do the film they watched are the future between them? Seriously, childish mindsets sometimes develop in reading and watching love stories, where doing a similar act could turn off both parties.

They forgot the boundaries of what was real life and what was fiction made. It might be that he doesn't reply because things are too busy, or something is coming abrupt, sudden changes easily associated with various injustice acts, as in the stories and movies they see.

Credit to Jakob Rosen from

How do we set boundaries between fiction and real life?

The title alone speaks things ''their stories aren't ours.

It's not wrong to watch or be connected to the fictional world. But that was made for entertainment, not to set or release a kind of expectation, where a man shall give you the attention you seen and admired in a man in the movie or book, does not mean that the guy pictured was rich. If you want to feel the feeling of the girlfriend in the story, you should be asked your boyfriend to have the same thing.

Reality is always different from romance, wherein the romantic side of the stories is made with creative minds and real-life bounces to experience.

All boys are not the same.

The absurd thing sometimes happens when people label guys as the same as everyone. Because of the touching scene in the movie, they normalized the thinking where ''man will cheat'' or ''man will always be a man'' these ideas where some people expect things too much that was so negative to the extent where they simple changes in a guy there was some issues that will unfold. All boys are not the same, but boys are human too. They could feel tired, burned out, and exhausted.

When one or two men cheat or make something, don't expect all men to be that one. Remember that people are different. The story of the man who cheated may not be my story.

We Lived differently from the fantasy.

Credit to Alice Alinari from

There should be boundaries between reality and fantasy. Watching your K-drama series wasn't that bad, and having the admiration of what a man needs to be looked like needs to have some walling.

A man or an Oppa is chosen for the role, but it doesn't mean that you boy should be like him or be the same as his appearance.

There was a casting that happened, understand that they designed the series to a lot of people will fall in love with the portraying actor or actress, yet it is still different in real life.

The story is fantasy, and we are living differently. Reality is the main story we should take care of.

Learn from stories, but don't live the life they pictured it.

Even though they said that story is based on real life, it doesn't mean that the story comes true or that what happened is dictated in the story or movie. Still, the creative mind changes something or adds something.

Mind we all learn from the tale doesn't mean the story we heard is too full comes in real.

It was a toxic side where one or two were too addicted to romance or love stories that they wanted what they read to happen in their life.

Sometimes, things will crumble due to romantic novels or movies where we find a touching scene. Overthinking and wrong impressions happened between the two for integrating their life story into the fictional or romance.

From my point of view, it's better that we also know the boundaries between fiction and love stories over reality. Again romantic novels, movies, and films are based on creative thinking, real-life love is not perfect as it seems, but it is molded by reality and experience. Take a look at fiction, but don't disregard the fact. That's how a great relationship stays strong.

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