One of the animals that scares me most is snake, snake is a limbless reptile that is very dangerous in nature, they belong to the class of serpentine, which makes them more dangerous, 60% of people bitten by snakes end up dying because of the way their poison reacts in the body.


Some months back I was chatting with a friend who redeployed from her state of redeployment to another state, I asked her why she redeployed and she mentioned that the area that she was posted to is one of the most dangerous places in the Eastern part of the country because it is their tradition that whenever a visitor enters their village a snake must visit that person to welcome him or her and they must not kill such snake.

At first, I didn't agree with her because I thought she was just formulating things in her head not until I asked another person who is from the state and she confirmed that it was true, I was shocked to hear this because I have a phobia of snakes not to talk of seeing it one on one without screaming my lungs out.

This animal scares me the most, I can cope with pets around the house but at a glance of a snake, my day is completely ruined because I will dream over it and react as if I am sleeping in the same bed with it, snakes scare me the most and it is a no go area for me.

I remember when I was staying with my parents and my mother asked me to bring something for her from our backyard, when I got to the backyard I saw a big snake and shouted for someone to rescue me, I couldn't run but at my scream, the snake ran away and when my mother and my brother came out to see what was wrong I told them I saw a snake and my brother ran inside, I dreamt of that scene more than a week before I can get over it.


Snakes are used as agents of darkness, though some people say snakes don't bite someone if not spiritually send, I don't believe such a statement, I watched a documentary where this man tied a snake around his neck and he was enjoying it, some people in my country understands how to communicate with it as well but it is a no go area for me, I can never associate myself with such human being.

One man's food is another man's poison, some people are familiar with it, I read that in some parts of Australia, snakes do pay them visits very well not only snakes but different animals, I wonder how someone like me will cope in a country like that.

If I ever come across a snake I pray it should not be in my room, the best thing to do is to walk away, I will not even look twice, I will focus on where I am going or rather run for my dear life because I can never stand looking twice.

I know 50% of ladies are in this category unless they either come from a background where they worship it or they are hardened criminals because I do not know why a lady will love a snake, just joking though, some people can just love it because of its nature but definitely not me.

This is my response to this episode of hivelearners community prompt of #hl-w122e03 which the topic is


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