Like we do say that School life is the best, yes it is, I enjoyed every moment of my stay in school be it good or bad, most of us do have moments of regret while some of us have both good and bad.


One of the things I enjoyed most when I was in school was my fellowship, I joined the school fellowship in my first year and the fellowship I joined Nigeria Fellowship of Evangelical Students (NIFES) NIFES is a nondenominational Christian college movement in Nigeria that seeks to inspire students to engage in evangelism, discipleship, and mission.


I joined this fellowship through my friend, I followed her to the fellowship on Sunday Evening and since then I determined to join the fellowship which I did the following Sunday, if I couldn't gain anything from going to school I am very grateful for joining this fellowship.

This fellowship has impacted positively me, I was not a church type when I was at home, do not get me wrong, it is not that I do not go to church but my interest in the church is not that valid, I do go to church just for going sake and because every one of us must go to church in as much you are still living under my parent.

All my thought was that I would get my freedom if I left home when I got admission, at least no one would be there to monitor me or monitor my movement, I was staying off campus and I saw myself as a mature fellow at that time, but seeing my closest friend serving God impressed me and I want to emulate such character.

I was welcomed into this fellowship as the first timer, and it was amazing, I decided to join this fellowship and work in the vineyard,
I joined the sanctuary team, cleaned the fellowship, and arranged everywhere before people started to come for worship, I found so much joy in doing this.

In my second year I decided to join the choir department despite that I do not dare to face crowds, I have Enochlophobia. I joined this team so that I could overcome the phobia, at least If I get to minister in the fellowship, then gradually I will overcome my phobia.

Joining the choir department helped me a lot it gave me a chance to get rid of my phobia which I had been nursing for a long time, I started facing the crowds to minister and gradually I became used to it and forgot about my phobia, while I am emphasizing and decided to write about it, was because it made my project defense a topnotch, no wobbling, this is how the fellowship has been of help to me when I was in school.

This has impacted greatly my life, it made church easier for me after I graduated, I can never do without worshipping God in my closet, it draws me closer to my creator and this has been the help of my fellowship, I see worshipping as part of me which I can never skip in a day it will be as if one part of my body is Missing without praising God in a day.

I wouldn't have got this great opportunity if I weren't a student, because I would still have the mindset of an attendee, just a bench warmer in church but I am really grateful for being a student and also meeting my good friend because she is part of my success's story today.

This is my response to this week's episode of #hl-w79e3 Which is tagged


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