Greetings from my end, how is our day going, I will love to share my thought about the ongoing weekly featured contest of this lovely community #hl-w24e2 which says

If I am to leave three things for the next generation

  • RELIGION:- I will lead them to the path of Christ, That is the most important gift a parent can give you his or her children, making them to know to way of God and never to deviate from it, I believe if I do this it will go a long way for them till the end of their lives and I believe this is how some of us were brought up, by going to church and joining the children church, advancing to adult church and be useful for God. I will let the religion be a priority to them because without God we are nothing and encourage them to put God first in everything they are doing or any journey they want to embark on.


  • EDUCATION:- Education is the key to success, by giving your child s thorough education that is a gift on its own, he or she will go places in life, I may not have the ability to leave enough wealth like all our politicians but I can give him or her the keys to acquire it for himself or herself education goes a long way in life, if you are education then you have a better hope and life in future, I will try my best to give my ward the best Education not here in Nigeria because our educational system here in Nigeria is nothing to write about but outside the country which I believe at the end of the study he or she can have access to work in the country and start up his or her family.


  • WEALTH:- leaving something tangible behind for the next generation is another great gift for them, as for me I will love to buy shares with different companies and handle over the documents for them when the time comes, I strongly believe that by doing this I have already deliver them from poverty and advice them to make use of it very well.


I believe as a parent if I can do these three things above then I have already secure their future from poverty and they are good to go even as a parent you will be happy anywhere you are.

Thank you all for stopping by to read my blog, please feel free to comment and make corrections where necessary.

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