Good day beautiful people of hive learners community,hope we are all doing well and hope we really enjoy our day and weekend. I really appreciate the admin of this lovely community and the moderators for giving everyone opportunity to write in this community for this weekly featured content #hl-w10e1.
Today I will like to share how I can make my ten minutes WORTHFUL and meaningful.


If I had the opportunity to travel to the past the valuable thing I will bring back is my father


My father died 21th of December 2010, it was the saddest day in my family because it is just some days to Christmas, he died without say goodbye, his departure left a big scar in the family,I was about to gain admission into the university when he died but everything got cancelled because everyone was heart broken and no enough fund then, I had to stopped my ambition of going to university that year, I had to wait till another year.
My father was a lovely and wonderful person, he is so caring and God fearing,he is always playful with the family, he is a provider for the family. My father will bought provisions and pay our school fees before schools resumed for session, he is so understanding and will never judge us over anything that happened to us, he related with us like friends and always there for us anytime any day. He is a problem solver and a brilliant man. He was an accountant and an outstanding person among his siblings. I really miss you Dad.
If I had the chance of traveling back to the past for ten minutes I will rather bring you back to the family because everyone is still talking about you all the time.
We really miss him and he will forever remain in my heart.

Thank you all for reading my post,thank you all and I really appreciate the MOD of this lovely community @bruno-kema and lovely members of #hive-learners for your love and support. Thank you all.

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