The ugly side of self-medication

My mom would always say it's one of the many gifts giving to her by God and although I can't argue with her less. Truth be told, self-medication is absolutely wrong which one can't argue about but there are some days there are little or nothing in the house of which self medication has played it role. Ever since myself and siblings were much younger, whenever we lay a complain about our health mummy first administer drugs to us and it turned out to be the right one. Like I said earlier am not saying this is good but truth be told probably out of fear and curiosity we rushed to the hospital only to end up rejecting some of the drugs they packed for us because we have them at home except when there is a need to take injections or drips.

Although we administer self medication at home but one thing I sure like with my mom is her sensitivity when it comes to our health and that of her's. There are sometimes the moment we complain and she ask how we are filling she doesn't dare to administer drugs to us rather take us for proper medication just like in my own case. I think it was the first time I actually complained of severe stomach ache and finding it difficult to stool only to find myself in the hospital and diagnosed of having appendix. Glad she never even considered trying to make me stool by other alternatives or reduce the pain by giving me painkillers but did the right thing because two weeks of staying in the hospital without being operated on appendix broke which resulted into an emergency case that too they had to still transfer me to the hospital within that short period. Honestly am indeed grateful to God for life. 🙏

But then have again witnessed a case of self medication went wrong and honestly I don't know how to say this as it is indeed heartbroken. I was still in senior highschool as at the time of occurrence and another student i seniored with about two classes was the victim. According to what his parent told us they said he complained of having headache of which they gave him the usual paracetamol to take in the morning so as to calm him down. Seeing that he wasn't improving they decided to take him to the hospital later in the evening but on reaching there the little one kissed the earth good bye before they could reach. His parent wanting to know the cause of his death were told when they finally arrived hospital it was due to shortage of blood and that too he wasn't brought on time for proper treatment. This is definitely the worst case I have heard and a very sad one. All I can say is may his soul continue to rest in peace with his marker.

Lastly I pray for God's protection because one way or the other we have fallen victim of self-medication of which it is the mercies of God that has been sustaining us.

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Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents wk-130e1 Self-Me dication is important. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts. 😍

Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️

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