Technology & Education

Over and over again, we have seen in so many aspects that it is not about how hard a person works but rather how smart they work results are gotten. Some persons work tirelessly without commanding tangible results meanwhile someone behind is watching and with just less effort commands great result because of how smart he or she was.

Although I'll say the traditional pattern of education hasn't changed too much because we still find out that schools even in this era of technology still carry out different continuous assessment tests, examinations and practicals. students goes on numerous researches to know more about a thing but then despite the fact it can still be streanous, technology has indeed helped the school students to be even better and smarter with their school work. Lots of knowledge has been exposed compared to how learning was in the past with the help where rather than traveling distance to find out about a particular thing, now with a smart phone and data you have your result which helps students to be even smarter and more creative because the more they know they want to know.

I remember back then in primary school, using a hard cover dictionary to find the meaning of words was so stressful and sometimes I may not even find a word or two because of how difficult it can be searching words to words which I do get frustrated and leave that word like that making me not to know a thing about it but with technology today whatever word a person desires to know can be known with just few taps. Technology truly has helped the educational system in a lots of way making learning even more interesting for us all.

If there is one suggestion I have for the educational sector especially over here in my country is to involve their selves more in practical base teachings. Yes theory is good but practical does the magic because only so can students understand what they are taught seeing the results for themselves. In as much they go into practicals necessary materials should be provided too. I remember in highschool there are lots of times my teacher would want to take us on practicals only to find out the materials are not available so they end up teaching theory all through without a single work to broaden ones knowledge.

Secondly there should be syllabus update. It's so unfair that despite the fact technology is gradually taken over the system, syllabus used to teach about a century ago are still used to teach in the 21st century. Oh no!! am not saying the books should be thrown away but then in addition to enhance a smooth learning modern innovation syllabus should be included as this would help the kids to do even better and commands more results with less efforts.

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Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents wk-134e1 A Smart Student. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts. ๐Ÿ˜

Thank you for your time, peace ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ

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