Saving lives after death

On seeing this prompt, the first thing that came to my mind was the movie "breath of life". I know must of us would be wondering what brought movie into this but then I think it's something related to the topic at hand and that's why I want to talk about it a bit. While watching this movie called breath of life it came to the scene where Elijah who thought he has asthma never knew the issue was a lung related one. When things got from worse to worse he was rushed to the hospital only for the doctor to say he would be needing a lungs transplant ASP.

The advice the doctor gave Mr Timi was for him to find a family who recently lost a love one so they could get an organ for Elijah. Mr Timi went from one hospital to the other in search of one family that is willing to sacrifice the lung of their deceased so they could save a dieing soul (Elijah) but unfortunately non of the families were willing too. To cut the story short Mr Timi although was difficult for him but inorder to give Elijah a second chance to life had to in turn donate his lungs for Timi.

I know that the above was a movie but trust me this thing happens real. It's only unfortunate that one that is dead, his or her family is not willing to donate their organs to give another life meanwhile this same organs of the deceased they have refused to help save another life would end up get rotten and eaten by termites when they are laid to rest so if the government should issue a decrease that organs of recent deceased should be donated to the sick, I would be in support of it as it would help a lot. Getting a donor who is still alive and that too healthy isn't so easy and sometimes before a donor is find and in rare cases such individuals might be dead so the government decrease would help save lives.

One of the advantage of this law is that lives would be save early without hassle of finding an organ replacement but then whatever has an advantage also has it disadvantage of which such is that these organs of the deceased that was donated for free would in turn be sold out for a higher price making it almost impossible for the families of the sick ones to be purchase when in need of it for their beloved affecting the poor and average citizens who may not even have the opportunity to buy and sometimes even after struggling to get the money for the organ government officials and top men in the country would want to be selfish of which is not going to be something new because we have seen how grants of billions of Naira for the poor have been cornered by officials for their selves and families and even save the money for their fourth generations to come which is not supposed to be so.

Lastly, even after passing this decree, it would be good if it is not done forcefully but these individuals should be willing to let go of the organs of their deceased and on no conditions should it be sold out since it was donated willingly done.

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Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents wk-135e2 Organ Donation Is A Must. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts. 😍

Thank you for your time, peace 🕊️

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