Public transport and it problems

Transportation over here isn't much of a hassle especially with the traffic issues other states experience. I honestly think we living in the Northern part of my country don't have to worry much about traffic and all that except probably when there is a major damage or road block on the road.

Personally, unless in a situation where am in a haste or the cloud is about to deliver I love to select vehicles before onboarding and that's because I taught the finer the vehicle leads to less worry of engine failure. But na...that's just my own mentality. But it's kind of true sha? Okay let me say it's 50:50.🤣 Well don't mind me.

Despite the fact I said traffic isn't an issue over here does not mean there isn't any problem with public transport. there are a whole lots of frustrating experience that makes me wish i have my own car to avoid troubles. First is the issue of PMS (petrol). Though this seems to be a general issue all over the country but thenThe high cost of petroleum is an entire study on its own causing havoc and frustration to lots of Nigerians. Now before going out, I have to reconsider if actually where am going will yield any profit or not profit and if not better to stay at home. Unlike before whenever I feel bored I just think of anybody's house and pay them a visit to spend time together now I just remain at home and enjoy the comfort of my home with a charged phone and enough data sub.🤣

Aside the general issue of petroleum my second problem with public transport is definitely the conductors and sometimes the drivers as well. Those humans are naturally rude, heartless and sorry to say they are bloody crooks. The most painful part of it is that they feel they are in control of the road and whenever something wants to happen they are well informed.

Those conductors especially just want to reap where they never sowed and one time I became their victim though mine wasn't much but my friend also fell for them. On her way coming back home with the last thousand notes on her she gave the conductor to hand over her balance but the conductors replied there wasn't chang and promised to give her before highlighting from the bus. She kept reminding him but the conductor kept saying don't worry, don't worry. When my friend highlighted and wanted to collect her change that was how conductor signed the driver and zoomed they went away making her stranded. This alone is one of the major problem when it comes to transport over here and it's just so said it keeps getting worse day by day.

The honest solution to the second issue is probably to own a self vehicle so as to avoid facing conductors and drivers wahala.

Photos are mine.

Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents wk-128e1 Public Transportation. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts. 😍

Thank you for your time, peace🕊️

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