No glory in criminal scenes

Personally, seeing the movies is something I like to do especially during my free time so as to clear my head off so many stuffs. Just desame way we have good and decent movies so also movies of bad influence are shown on the screen today.

While still in highschool, I so much love watching wrestling since that's what my siblings loved too so I had no choice than to fall in love with it. I remember how after watching all their moves, we may end up practicing it on each other. There was this particular style one of the wrestler did and immediately his opponent went laying flat on the floor, unknown to all of us my younger brother had all the moves installed in his head and few days later both brother of mine went into a fight only to see one of them wanting to beat the other one with same moves just like we have seen the day past. Glad we were close and that's when we rush to seperate them ever since then my mom warned that we never tune in that station and our love for wrestling died.

Aside that kids pick up so many habits from watching movies and it is so bad how the movie industry tend to display certain films all in the name of earning money. The other day my self and my teenage cousin were watching a certain movie whereby the family was poor same time there mummy was terribly illed. After sorting for money and no where to get the only option for them was to go break into people's houses. After stealing they went and gave their mom a proper treatment and they were happy. My cousin was like so it is good to steal and use the money to do good things? Oh my!! I had to sit her down and explain the repercussions of breaking into people houses no matter how genuine the reason may be and glad she understood ever since when ever she is around or my younger brothers I ensure not to watch anyhow movies in their presence

One way or the other I think criminal films has done more harm to the society and it is so because new tactics and moves are seen in these movies which will help give ideas to whoever want to practice theft. And so nowadays it's unfortunate that criminal activities is rampant. people just want to acquire stuff and not just what they are in need of but properties they don't need only to feel a sence of arrival meaning they are now successful. This is not something to be proud of cause it does hurt when jungle justice is Carried out on some people while others are sentence to prison.

Although we need the film industry for the sake of entertainment but criminal films should be taken out of it and if by any chance they want to include it, at the end they should also inform people about the consequences of taking what is not theirs so others won't think of venturing into it this way the society would be better because no one want a tragic end for his or herself.

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Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents wk-132e3 Glorifying Crime. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts. 😍

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