My texting rules

All thanks to the numerous digi platforms we have now to ensure texting is much more easier for us all, unlike back then where smart phones were so scares so we do most of the communication phone calling each other which of course sucks airtime. Communication is indeed a very powerful tool to undo and do stuffs. Some people texted their way to freedom and others to doom that's why I am very picky when it comes to the way I text with people because sometimes we say words we think don't mean anything but to our listeners it meant a lot.

Glad my contacts already know how much I dislike phone calls so we just flow with texting each other's. The other day, I went to visit a friend and along the line he said Destiny do you know you are two in one? How I asked back? So he was like whenever we are chatting, you always talk like parrot but here you are saying little or nothing. I don't know why it's so because his not the first person telling me same thing.

But then no matter how much of a talkative I am when texting I become so strict with the use of words. My friends be like Ene you are just so strict with just ordinary words. Ordinary you say? Sorry no fowl word is just an ordinary word because whatever that grows into something big started small. I believe those that s*x chat today only started with miss use of words and now it has graduated into something else so I always ensure to correct whatever am not please with immediately but in a calm tone cause some people can be nut. Imagine you say something I don't like and when correcting you, you get mad at me saying all sorts of stuffs I don't get. 🀷

One of my texting don't is that never snub. Am the kind of person whenever a message pops I like to reply because I hate it when people snub me so I don't want to reciprocate same energy and most at times when am too busy I kindly inform them because my date can be on while I do other online stuffs and people thinks I don't want to reply in this case I do ask for more time before we can discuss properly. The moment I realized you are snubbing me I quickly leave your way cause I need no one to make me feel less of myself. Secondly like I have earlier said no use of fowl language and after correcting you, you prove to be stubborn I just leave your way because evil communication corrupts good manners.

Lastly, for my do's it so simple please just reciprocate the energy am putting in to communicate with you and am good.

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Writing was inspired by @HiveLearners community weekly featured contents wk-130e3 Texting Do's And Don'ts. Do well to subscribe to the community so we can hear from you as well on each of the amazing prompts. 😍

Thank you for your time, peace πŸ•ŠοΈ

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