The survival instinct

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Hello readers and fellow bloggers, how are you doing? happy good Friday. it is another edition of weekly featured content titled "Book smart vs street smart" in hive learners community

Humans primary objective behind every act either selfless or selfish it is always bound to the desire to survive, in most cases, the ability of every human to survive is based on the amount of knowledge and skill they possess and the ability of such person to apply the knowledge to appropriate and immediate situation at hand

All through the socialisation process, it is a race of survival but as humans grow and survive hurdles, so does our experience grow and this factor improves our knowledge and application of wisdom

In this modern age every human is expected to have a certain level of education, which can be acquired through a structured academic institution built in place to impact knowledge into pupils and adults all through their academic pursuits. the process is called formal education also known as acquisition of knowledge and skills by books, which will make you book smart

During the olding days when formal educational structure was not available, our elders and ancestors have their ways and method of acquiring knowledge and applying it in the society to come about development in the environment, they had no means of acquisition of knowledge through the formal method but regardless they had skills, though arguably, it is said that formal education is a product of informal education because ideas about formal education were generated when there was no formal education in place


Most of the skills applied during the olding days were mostly learnt from the street based on culture, which is a product of informal education, acquisition of the street knowledge makes you street smart though based on my experience it is quite difficult to split between informal education (street knowledge) and formal education (book knowledge) when an individual takes an action that is based on both street and book knowledge

I guess it is tied to the survival instinct of humans to come up with ideas that will aid their survival on the long run, instinct is a natural behaviour pattern or impulse that is built in every human, it is mostly displayed when an individual faces a problem-solution event.

Based on my experience I believe both street knowledge and book knowledge work simultaneously when in need of, there is a symbiotic relationship between street and book knowledge. When an individual goes through both formal education and informal education, such individual can be said to be both book smart and street smart, so it is hard to tell which of the two represent the source of knowledge of such individual. for example.

A situation I applied both street knowledge and book knowledge.

I wrote about this experience in one of the previous weekly featured content

This event happened during my Higher National diploma (HND) program at moshood abiola Polytechnic, my first semester HND1, an incident occurred, which I considered funny and smart

Part of the courses outlined for the semester includes a course called Advertising, which involves creating a practical advert video and radio jingle both English and Yoruba for any brand, products or services. we were divided into groups, I was chosen as the head of the group based on group members vote, this group includes a total number of 33 students.

We shared ourselves into different departments just to make advert practical more easier, I was in the research and client finding department, we set out in groups to request the approval of different companies to use their brand or product for an advert practical, which will be solely funded by us.

After much effort, we got the contact of a hotel manager through one of the group members, immediately I scheduled a date with the manager to discuss our proposal, the man agreed. I got there the next day with one of my male group members, we sat with the manager to discuss what we have to offer, he seems interested but not too convinced that we can offer what we promised, since we are just students not a certified advertising practitioners

The hotel is one of the biggest hotel in Abeokuta, named continental hotel. knowing the status of this hotel, it was perfect for the advert practical. I got home and started thinking of multiple ways to convince the manager to approve our proposal, but then something came to my mind and I was like why not try another approach.

I went there the next day but this time with two of my female group members, we got there and for the first time this man instantly offered us a sit, at that moment I knew my tactics were working. I sat down to discuss what we talked about earlier but is attention was so fixed on my female colleagues to the extent he wasn't paying any attention to what I was saying, after I was done talking without much stress, he signed the letter and asked if he could have a conversation with one of the ladies about our practical, I knew what it was all about, which have already discussed with the ladies before bringing them along. I got outside with my approval letter.

Based on my street knowledge and experience with hotel managers in lagos and ogun state, I knew that most hotel managers are usually attracted to female marketers but it is also hard to tell if it was just because I was street smart, based on the formal education I have acquired, as mass communication student, I was taught sex appeal in advertising, which is the reason behind why most advertisers make use of females as models in TV commercials.

From my explanation so far, it can be deduced that I'm both street smart and book smart which I make use of simultaneously whenever the situation arises as a result of my survival instinct.

Though, sometimes when I think of the event, I feel, maybe the event would have turn out as expected, even without my cunny attitude. What do you think? kindly share your opinion in the comment section


All pictures were sourced and indicated appropriately

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