Holla readers and fellow prestigious bloggers, it is another edition of weekly featured content titled "Recent movie/ Drama you watched" in hive learners community, As a movie addict I got a lot to say about thisπŸ˜‚


Bel - Air is a (2022) American Drama centered on the lifestyle and story of a young teen named will Smith from west Philadelphia, circumstances changed his life over night and led him to stay with us distant aunt and uncle At Bel air for his own safety in the disguise of getting a better education.

Like every other young teenager filled with passion and energy, will was no different. He lives with his single mom who works in an hospital

Screenshot of Will Smith on the street of West Philadelphia with his Mom

According to the plot of the movie he is considered to be an intellectual oriented young man who has a lot of passion for basketball.

Test ScorePlaying Basketball

Screenshot of Will Smith test score and him playing on the basketball court

Also a sense of identity that is associated and deeply rooted in his hood, his best friend is Tray melbert also a young teen in his neighbourhood. With his good looks and exceptional skills in basketball he became the favourite of many especially the girls, he was treated like a king in his neighbourhood until he was jumped by one of the thugs in his neighbourhood called darnell

Screenshot of Darnell bumping into will in the street of west Philadelphia

Due to his pride and ego derived from his king like treatment given to him in his neighbourhood he decided to confront the thug by jumping into a bet with a street basketballer, On their way

Screenshot of argument between Tray and Will about the gun in his bag

His friend Tray brought a gun along in order to provide support in case things go south, Will didn't like the idea of the gun but there was no turning back.

He won the street confrontation by out shinning the opposite team, everything was fine at first, while he was enjoying his victory celebration things went south very fast and it became a gang fight, in the heat of the moment, Will watching his friend being beaten by the gangs, he couldn't let go. he found his way to Trays bag, shot the gun into the sky and pointed on Rashad Denton.

Screenshot of Will pointing a gun at Rashad Denton

police showed up and arrested him and his friends and other gang members including their leader. Rashad Denton is a Notorious thug in the wood, having reputation of selling drugs and other atrocities in the hood.

His Mum, Mrs. Smith, pulled some plug by contacting his wealthy uncle from Bel air who happens to to running for the office of DA, His mom got him released from the cell, quickly rushed him to the airport out of fear of the fact they might be a clap back by the gang he pulled a gun on in the basketball court, Will was not a fan of the idea because he was really attached to his hood but his mum gave him no choice, that was how a hoodie from west Philadelphia was delivered to the great estate mansion of the Banks family in Bel-Air.

Screenshot of Will Smith arriving at the Banks family estate Mansion

On arriving he was amazed by the house, in some ways he started feeling like he didn't belong there, after being introduced to the Banks family during a party organised by Philip banks to generate support for his aspiration for the position of DA.


Top Cast

Mr Philip banks

Screenshot of Philip banks in the fund raising party

The head of the Banks family and uncle of Will Smith, an enthusiastic, vibrant and successful Law practitioner. A co-owner of a law firm and an aspirant who was campaigning for the DA office, It didn't eventually work out thanks to Will lπŸ˜….

Mrs Vivian Banks

Screenshot of Vivian Banks welcoming Will smith into their home

The wife of Philip banks, Will Smith Aunt , A mother of three children and a former award winning Artist who dropped her career due to pressure and the needs of the family. eventually she found her way back to painting and got a fellowship which earned her a spot in the art world. She is one of my favourite actress in the movie, apart from her looks, she has a very matured character in the movie, though she has her own anger issues but she barely lose her cool only on rear occasions

Screenshot of Vivian Banks advise Will smith after the beat down between Will and Carlton

she cares a lot about her family and their well being, she made living in bel air more comfortable and bearable for Will.

Hilary Banks

Screenshot of Hilary Banks giving Will a change of Clothes

The eldest daughter of the Banks family, Will Smith cousin, A social media influencer and an aspiring chef. though in some cases I consider her to be a spoilt rich kid but eventually she moved out of the Banks family house to pursue a career as a social media influencer

Screenshot of Hilary Banks doing a Instagram video with Will and Mrs Vivian

she is one of my favourite female cast in the movie based on her looks, Damn!!! she is hotπŸ˜…

Screenshot of Hilary Banks excorting Will yo the fund raising party

she has a very supportive and accommodative attitude towards Will.

Carlton Banks

Screenshot of Carlton Banks in the fund raising party

The second child of the Banks family, the only son of the house until Will arrived, Will Smith cousin and his greatest nightmare. His ex- girlfriend is Lisa Wilkes, daughter of Los Angeles Chief of police Fred Wilkes. Lisa later became Will Smith girlfriend which was the starting point of the conflict between Carlton and Will. He plays Lacrosse for bel air Academy.

Screenshot of Carlton Banks in Bel air Academy lacrosse locker room

He suffers from anxiety attack, inferiority complex and a drug addiction. His greatest fear is being rejected by his own family and losing his place in his family and everything he has to Will Smith. well I don't like him much due to his jealousy and hypocrisy, so I nicknamed him Carlton the cuntπŸ˜…πŸ˜….

Ashley Banks

Screenshot of Ashley Banks welcoming Will smith in the fund raising party

The last born of the Banks family and the second daughter, The baby of the house. Though her career path has not been fully identified in the movie but she is passionate about the eco-system, an environmentalist and she has a twisted sense of sexuality and also struggling with her sexual identity. she is the only lesbian highlighted in the movie so far, which is only known by her sister Hilary banks. She is kind, fragile and adorable πŸ₯° also, She is a great fan of Will Smith and considers him to be her hero and role model, you have to really watch the movie to know why. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜….

Geoffrey Thomas

Screenshot of Geoffrey Thomas Walking Will into the house

The house manager, Though he is not a legitimate member of Banks family but he is considered a family member and highly respected by the banks. He manages the affairs of the banks family and their house including security. He once caught Will Smith while he was trying to escape the houseπŸ˜…. He is considered a business partner of Philp banks in his new established law firm. his obvious that he is more than just house manager, he is Will Smith mentor due to his background from the hood which seem similar to Will lifestyle.


Screenshot of Jazz extorting Geoffrey for additional tfare πŸ˜…

My man πŸ˜…, the uber driver. He is the first connection Will Smith made when he arrived at Bel air

Screenshot of Jazz driving Will to the Banks family estate mansion

he was the uber driver that drove him to the family mansion and also the uber driver Will chose to drive him out of Bel air during his escape attempt. Through Will Smith he was able to have more access to the Banks family

Screenshot of Jazz in his Record shop making a move on Hillary Banks

He eventually dated the eldest daughter of the Banks family Hillary Smith, well their relationship lasted till season two when jazz couldn't get over his mentality that involves the feeling of Hillary being too good for him and he couldn't keep up, well he tried to make a come back but was a little too late because Hillary ex boyfriend already made a move on her. presently Hillary is on a tour with her ex boyfriend which seems like the end of her and jazz relationship.

Bel - air is an ongoing American drama currently in season two, it entails a lot of twisted plot and story lines. I personally enjoy watching Bel air due to its emphasis on the concept of Actions and consequences. which is one of the primary principle I Operate on in my day to day activities, it is about making rational decisions and owning the responsibility of the consequences of mistakes.

Secondly, I'm a fan of black American Rap songs and Bel air has a lot of it as soundtracks, so I'm kind of on a journey of creating a folder for Bel air soundtracks on my music playlistπŸ˜…πŸ˜….

Thirdly, Bel air consist of amazing graphics and video quality it is top notch. the city, hood and school sequence and soundtracks synchronised perfectly with the plot.

Well, I'm not trying to impose or influence your choice of movie but Bel air is the kind of movie you can't afford to miss out onπŸ˜…πŸ˜….


Lead image sourced from IMDB website, other images are screenshot taken from the series

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