Organ Donation Should Be By Choice Not By Force

Organ Donation Should Be By Choice Not By Force

Photo by Birdie Wyatt

When I saw this prompt the first thing that came into my mind was a movie I watched sometime this year titled; "Breath of life," it's a popular Nigeria movie.

Elijah was diagnosed with a terrible lung disease that was about to claim his life if immediate actions weren't taken. His boss who was more like a father tried all he could to get that organ for the poor young man.

He visited hospitals and went as far as visiting families who recently lost their loved ones to get an organ from the deceased but they refused to help. In the end, Mr Timi, the boss, took his own life to make the organ available for Elijah.

I felt so bad that Mr Timi had to die to provide the organ in the end. A scene that hurt me most was when he went to a family whose child just passed on and pleaded with them to please help me with the deceased's lungs, he would pay if it meant to do so, but the family refused and chased him away.

Truly, it's not easy to decide to give out the organs of our loved ones when they are no more. It looks disrespectful and unfair but come to think of it, the person is already dead, what use are those organs to the person?

Funny enough, if you leave the organs they will decay and go in vain, wouldn't it be more profitable if it's given out to prevent someone else that has hope of living from dying?

Many people died not because it was time for them, their organs went bad and there were no organs to replace them with. It hurts so much that people can not reason to give out organs of their dead to help others, it's not as if the organs would be used for anything.

If the government gave a law for organs of recently deceased to be donated to save others I think it's not wrong. Although I'll feel bad about it, but it's a good decision so I won't fight against it.

When a person is dead, his/her body becomes useless, the best they can become is food for termites and probably add manure to the soil.

If the vital organs of those persons can be extracted to give others life, then I think even the deceased would be very happy to see that his/her organs were not wasted but used for good.

Using those organs adds more honor to the dead, his/she is gone but their organ is still alive serving a great purpose.

Nevertheless, it should be done with respect, maybe the decree should give a specific number of organs to be taken per dead person. And it should be that every citizen agrees to it and personally signs for his/her organs to be used to help others when they are no more so that it won't be like something done against the deceased's will.

I believe some people will be willing to do it. If people still living can donate their organs to save lives, much more will people willfully give out their organs when they are gone but it shouldn't be something that will be forced on anyone.

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