My All Time Secret To Maintaining Balance In Life

My All Time Secret To Maintaining Balance In Life

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We live in a very busy world, our everyday life is full of activities that are capable of pulling us away from maintaining balance in our lives.

As much as we all want to have our bank accounts flowing with money, we also desire to be able to do all the things we used to do before responsibilities came.

But is that even possible? Every day seems to be busier than we expect, sometimes it's like 24 hours is not even enough for us to carry out our activities and talk more about creating time for other things.

A lot of times, I wish I had the ability to trap time so that it would be sufficient for me to do my work and have time for myself, my family, and my friends but time, they say flies.

Sometimes I feel we can't fully create balance in our dealings, no matter how much we try, some things will still suffer harm. The best we can do is give more attention first to the most important things and then consider the minor later.

Prior to this time, I discovered that I no longer had time for personal development, my family, and friends. Every day when I wake up I discover that my mind is always on how to make money.

The only thing I know I am concerned about for myself is just food, when I don't eat my system will react and you know the feeling isn't pleasant. Apart from that, I no longer pay attention to most things about myself, not that I don't want to but time isn't enough for me and trust me it has already started affecting me negatively.

My friends complain, my family complains and they are right, the gap between me and them is obvious.

So, I decided to work on it. Trust me, I have tried many methods and they didn't work for me. However, along the line, I decided to use the approach of scheduling all my activities and it has been Helpful.

Since my problem is work, if I can plan my activities, I will have more than enough time to give to other aspects of my life too.

I have a timetable in my room, my activities are scheduled from morning until night for each day and I am disciplined with it, although sometimes I don't follow it.

With my activities arranged, I get enough time to put things in order, when it's time for work, I work, when it's time for personal development, I do so and there is enough time for all. I don't worry about other aspects of my life suffering while others grow, I move along with all.

One of the challenges I have with this method is unforeseen circumstances, sometimes other events that I don't plan for come around. It took me time to be able to deal with it.

What I do recently is: If they are crucial, I give them attention, if they are not, I let go. It's part of the reason why I don't allow people to visit me without first informing me.

Anytime I follow that schedule, I have everything checked and you know there is always joy in achieving our goals.

Although this method works well for me, the issue of keeping balance in life is personal, everyone has that aspect that is lacking for them, mine might be different from that of another, as such it might require a different approach, nevertheless, discipline and determination are crucial things that we must hold onto while trying to achieve balance in life, else we would only be full of zeal and lack result in the end.

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