The Thrill of my First Job Ever

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I had just finished university and did not want to stay at home and idle. I still needed money for data and the rest because finishing school marked the end of monthly allowance. My next step was to find a job while waiting to start my clearance in school.

I went looking for a job around my area so I would not pay much transportation and back then I really did not want to teach with the burden of planning and writing lesson notes, so I opted for being a sales person at an electric shop, although the pay was really low I still took the job. It was my first job and I was excited and did not bother much about the pay at that moment. I began working there everyday, Mondays through saturdays.

At first it was not stressful and annoying…ok let me talk about the good parts first.

What did I learn in my new job?

While i was in senior secondary 1, i had this project to make an electric socket circuit on a wooden board and power on a bulb attached to it. That sounded like a whole lot of complication to me then and I did not even attempt it. In case you wondered, yes i did not do so well on that subject as that practical had a bigger percentage of marks.

A few weeks into my salesperson position, my boss came back to the shop with wooden boards and said he was going to make the electric extension. I was excited as it brought memories of the past and i was eager to learn, he made the first one and before you know it, here i was making it and it felt so simple that i regretted not attempting in school back then but anyways i was glad i could make it now and it worked without any hiccups. I announced to my family members and friends that I won an award. I learnt how to measure a yard without using a tape, learnt the different types of sockets and lampholders.
I even went as far as changing the lampholder in my bathroom but never got around to actually putting a bulb and seeing if it worked. I believed in my skills too much to check, I will soon tho.

I had to leave.

Overtime, as days turned to weeks and months, after my first paycheck, I could not even do enough with the small amount of money, plus the stress of everyday morning to evening. I began questioning myself if it was worth it. I made the decision to leave after two months and find another job with a better pay. So I told my boss and he began looking for someone else.

Alas I left that place and found another one with a much better pay compared to it.

Will I go back there?

I honestly did enjoy working there, my boss was a kind and nice person plus i got to learn some handy skills. So if i had the option of choosing to work there in the first place, i will make that same decision all over again. But currently I would not go back because things have changed and I have gotten other interests.

P.S- i no longer practice my half baked electrical electronics after one fateful day i almost burnt my house while trying to change a socket. I would stick to just fixing my spoilt appliance and not actual house connected wires.

Thank you for reading.

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