My Superpower - Sherlock Mode Activated.


Curiousity they say kills the cat or is it mouse, not really sure. Anyways i have always been a curious person i enjoy figuring out the little things that make people tick and just finding out stuff in general. I also fancy saving the day. So imagine all the things i could do with a special gift as being invisible, i would be Sherlock Holmes of my area.🤣

If somehow i got a superpower for invisibility, i wonder what i would do, but it has to be something adventurous and guess what i just figured out what i would do. I would stage a stake out, you might be wondering why but if you just let me you’d know why soon enough.

Over the past few days there has been a thief in my neigbourhood that goes about stealing peoples generator, they come out when they know people must have gone deep to sleep. I have wondered how they where able to steal my generator because it is not the small size and my compond is fenced so how, i ask myself, and it must have been a group. Jumping into the compound quietly, getting the gen and jumping out again all without making so much a sound to alert anyone.

I would love to catch the thief and save myself and my street, because it has been so stressful for myself and family without that generator. And every single time i have to use the old gen with so many issues i get angry all over again. So if i where invisible for a day i would launch my mission, first i will use the day time hours to sniff around and get information from the group that normally hangs around the bet shop in my area, i am sure that i will found the intel amongst them that helps in the grand plan of stealing. They must have planned the heist for a long time and it will take one day for me and my Sherlocky skills to catch them all.

When i see and mark the face of this intel and get their next heist location i would stake out before they even get there and make a video of them with my phone that would be invisible too cause of my powers and by the next day everyone would know their faces cause i would have distributed the video.

They’ll get arrested and the menace will end, i would probably get my generator back and that will be a day well spent with my super powers.

Yea imagine all that, oh and at the point where i get the intel, i would find out where the bad guys keep their money stash and take it. It would not be me stealing, i will just be taking back what they stole and share it with the people around like Robin wood.

Now that will be a day well spent!

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it and it brought a little smile to your face..

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