An inheritance For My Coming Generation

In a working family system, parents are supposed to leave an inheritance for their children. Sometimes it may not be in monetary value but the kind of life they lived which may speak for the children in years to come. I have seen families that bought lands hoping for their children to inherit them, while people who had affluence opened businesses with the hope that someday their children will take over and manage its affairs. Some parents lived a life of integrity and created relationships, etc. They all had one goal, leaving behind something to ease the struggle for their children, no parent wishes for their children to go through that same mistake, pain, rejection, and bitterness they went through.

One of the reasons behind my everyday struggle is to give my children a better future and to lead them along the same path called life with little or no regrets. For an inheritance, I'll leave behind these three things: An Example, properties, and my words.


I understand how important childhood programming is, what a child learns early in life remains with them until adulthood. Creating an inner ideology of possibilities around them opens their mind to positivity. I'll live an example of the life I want to see in my children, a happy family, ability to manage stress , anger management, liberalism, and honesty. This inheritance will come in a way to make up their habits and is able to face the future with positive energy. As long as I lived the life, they also will live the life for their next generation.

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I believe I'll be successful in life. I wouldn't live an extravagant life of spending carelessly without having savings. Just like our fathers of the old, I'll buy lands, build houses, and if possible businesses. They'll always be there for them and help them live a life of comfort. Starting from where I stopped will help them reach greater heights than me and that's every father's prayer for their children.


One thing I never got from my dad is his words. His advice, encouragement, guidance, etc. Would have gone a long way to help me avoid some mistakes in life but we never sat to discuss, thus, there's nothing I learned from him. I'll ensure my words become a guide for my children, I'll share with them all my experiences and tell them what I have learned over the years. Maybe, just maybe, it would help them go through life undefeated as they face the future.

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