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WÈEK 4 Edition 1|| A GATE WAY

Hi Everyone!

I Hope you all will be good in health by the grace of our beloved Allah Almighty.Here I am to participate in the contest week 4 edition 1 which is about to tell others about your favourite place.

I am a Pakistani my country is very beautiful it has heighted peaks and beautiful streams.
I Love travelling and also very fond of nature.The place I ever dreamed to visit is "Karakram Peaks".I have not visited the place yet but I hope to visit it soon.I want to take a walk of these mountain series situates almost Nothren ares of country.I want to spend hours and hours in the floating clouds and high peaks.

Karakram also works as the border between different countries like Pakistan India and China.A famous road was also built between Pakistan and China between these peaks called as "Shahray e Rysham"It qas built to increase their friendship amd for trading purposes.
In these series of Karamkaram mountains there is also a famous and 2nd highest peak called as K2 .Its among the highest peaks of the world.It is almost 8611m high from the sea level.



Why I Want to Visit it:

The reason why I want to visit these peaks is firstly I want to saw the highest 2nd highest peak of the wofld which is among them called as K2.

. I want to enjoy the nature on mountains the high floating clouds and cold wind with peace.This is what I want to enjoy there.I want to visit the old historical places specially the the Mahal there on the high peaks.

I also like the streams flowing from different ways from the mountains and increasing their beauty.These streams have high pressure of water due to decreasing height and their flowness looks gorgeous with the pure white colour.

SO that was all from my side.I hope that you all guys will like it.Thanks for visiting my post.




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