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President For A Day | My Dream Changes for My Nation

Hello everybody.

I hope that all of you will be good and happy and enjoying your good health with the grace and blessings of Almighty God. Today, I am here to present a post for a contest in the Hive Learner community. The name and the title of the contest are actually President For A Day.


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I am actually a responsible citizen of my beloved country Pakistan. Pakistan is situated in the Asia continent and it is one of the most important countries in regard to the food supply, natural beauties, and many more. If would be given an opportunity to control the seat of the presidency of my country then I will make the following changes in the country.

Relations With Other Countries and States

If I would be given a chance of being the President of my country Pakistan, first of all, I will make profitable and heartiest relations with the other countries of the time. It is a very important thing that the country must have some beneficial relations with the other counties as they can help the country in the hours of need. Moreover, the supply and export of our country will also increase if we make good relations with other well-developed and powerful countries. The most important thing of a nation is that the defense system of that nation or country must be strong enough to defend their country's man in the hour of attacks and needs. So, good relations with the other powerful countries will help in this regard also.

Educational System

The second thing is the Educational System of the country. Educational System is, I think, the most important factor behind the success and strength of a nation or country as the new generations are trained in the schools, colleges, and universities and these nations are actually the future of the country or the nation. If I would be given a chance to be the President of my country ten I will improve the Educational Facilities in the cities, as well as, in the local areas of the country so that all the upcoming generations of the country would be well-educated and well mannered. A well-educated nation is actually the bright future of the country and I will take this point into my mind. I will ensure the theoretical, as well as, the practical approaches in the studies in my country.

Elimination of Corruption from each Department

The third point of my today's discussion is the elimination of corruption from my country. I live in a country where corruption is a very bad habit of every officer of any department. Unfortunately, the economy of the country is highly affected by corruption in the last few years. The officers sell off their minds and do not perform their duties in a good manner. I personally think that if corruption like bad habits is present in our country, our country will never succeed. If I would be the President of my country then, first of all, I will try my best to eradicate corruption from all the departments including Politics, Education, Health, Economics, and any department of the country. If corruption will be eradicated from each department of our country then our country will make progress by leaps and bounds! No Doubt.

So, these points are those three points that I will consider initially if I would be given a chance of being the president of the country. I hope that all of you agree with all of my points. If you want to make any addition then feel free to join me in the comment section below.

Special thanks to the management of the @hive-learners and the @newbies-hive communities for arranging such an amazing contest. I hope that my entry will also be selected among the top ones.

Good Bye!

Writer: @drtipu

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