The Result is Changed and Government is Given to Their Favorite People in our Country

Hi #hivelearners community.

Some time ago, elections were held here in our country and five days were spent giving the results of the election and this is the main reason that so many people voted for their favorite leader Imran Khan. It took a long time for people to change their votes, but still the government of their choice was made and it is still running because of which people are so worried,

So much inflation has become the government of Imran Khan. I used to have the price of petrol at Rs.500 and now some time ago the price of petrol here was also Rs.300. But no one survives because the inflation has become so high that people have no other solution. Here, the court acquits Imran Khan in one case,

Then these people falsely make another case and never let him out of jail, and in the same way they continue to rule as they want and the most in their government. Corruption happens and it happens every time but there are some people who are crazy who are voting for him at all.


If it continues in the same way, in some time to come we will see that we will see our country being part of us like before Bangladesh was separated from us because people of every caste are being abused here at that time. Has been and the government has been given to the servant of their choice. We have been watching it for 35 years.

Those people are not good for our country. As soon as these people came to the government, first of all they put Imran Khan in jail because he was telling people all their secrets, the truth was telling people how they have destroyed the wealth of the country and has completely ruined the country no other country is willing to partner with our country nor are people coming here and there and seeing all these things we all have decided the same.

That if things continue like this in this country, we will soon leave this country and go to another country so that we and our children who are coming can live a good life because these people have thought that they will not allow Imran Khan to come back to the government.


Now, if we talk about tomorrow's rally, here at the sound of Imran Khan, so many people go to the streets that it becomes difficult to manage them. They are abusing people, beating them and doing many other things, but still on one word of Imran Khan, people come out and support their party and at this time this is only a dream of all of us. That Imran Khan should come out of jail soon and take charge of our country.

Everything was cheap in Imran Khan's government, if we talk about vegetables here, its prices were also very cheap and now here we have to buy onion at 200 rupees per kg and fruits have become more expensive here. A poor person cannot buy anything. A person's salary is 16 thousand per month, so here he has been sent a bill of 12 thousand.

That person is so worried at this time and is thinking of committing suicide because he is 12 thousand. Not able to run their house even after giving duty for hours. In the last six months, if we look at the history here, many people have committed suicide just because they are not able to run their house properly due to inflation.


This entire country is ours but here our party is not allowed to hold a rally, even if it is given, it is given so little time that the most effort is made here so that not many people come to their rally. All their efforts fail and every rally is successful, that's why all of us are now trying to get Imran Khan out of jail by holding a peaceful protest, because no one can tolerate such high inflation.

If it continues like this, people will start committing more suicides, then we all have to take a step and support the leaders of our party and take Imran Khan out of jail. The way yesterday's speech was also special, in the same way we will see that if things continue, after some time Imran Khan will definitely come out and come back once again in the government,

People are waiting for the same thing. We have many friends who used to support other parties but now after seeing the situation they have also started supporting Imran Khan. After his government, the business conditions are such that people do not even have enough contact with business to be able to pay for their house and rent the shop.


Because all the money is going to invest and they now this is the attempt that within the next time they will also tax solar energy so much that the people who are there will not be able to use this technology, so this is what we will see happening in the next time.

So these things are bothering us a lot because people are installing solar systems on their houses for 20 lakhs and if these people are taxed, this government and these people who are there will protest very much. There will be trouble here in our country because people have taken loans to install solar systems on their homes so that they don't have to pay expensive electricity bills.

They thought that by putting Imran Khan in jail, his popularity will decrease, but since he went to jail, the popularity of Imran Khan has increased and we will see in the coming time. It will increase because their true nature has now come before the people. These people come to the government only to continue their luxury life, to give profit to their product, and then again. They have so many debts, they have taken our country in debt that all people cannot even think about it, that's why every person in our country is living a troubled life.


Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writer, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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