If I Get The Chance Again, I Would Prefer to Live in the Villages

Hi Hivelearners friends.

I have spent a good and long time of my life in both places, so I have experience, so I would like to tell in this post that for some time we lived in villages together, so the life there was very different. It was very good and very simple. The best thing is that the people there are very loving. Then I will share some experiences about urban life, so when we lived in villages,

We were still more intelligent that we knew how people's behavior was and what kind of life the people living there had. When we shifted, there used to be a lot of trees in the villages. It is wrong because the peace that natural sights can give us, the urban life can never give us peace because in the villages we find everything pure and every human being who is not jealous by another human being and delights in the progress of others.

The best routine in the villages is that the people there wake up at five o'clock in the morning and after waking up some go to their fields after doing their daily routine and spend their whole day there. After waking up in the morning, bread is cooked on wood and there is also a similar system, every person has to do his share of work, so the people there are physically very healthy.


Are healthy and their life is also longer because when our body works, the organs of our body start to grow in a better way, so this thing is also enough for our health. It is more beneficial and people who are there drink pure milk daily which makes their health better and people who are there mostly like to eat vegetables and those vegetables are what they have grown themselves.

If they know that we have planted them in good water and their quality is good, then it will have a lot of good effects on our health. The biggest advantage of village life is that there is no noise of vehicles and one can ask, we are getting peace of life and there are many other special things that we get benefits and this is a fact.

That if we don't have good health then we can never live a good life in this world and then we are also seeing that people who are there continue their routine and don't break their habit at all. The habit of getting up in the morning is very beneficial and when they go and sit in the middle of the trees, it helps them very well and there are very special benefits of this thing and then we are also seeing that.


There are people who work very hard in their fields and then go to the city to sell their goods and make a profit. We see the people there who raise their own goats, keep their own animals and have everything they own and do not have to buy anything from outside. When they have things, it is known that they have because of the quality, their health is good and they don't go into depression and tensions,

But still people there don't know much about mobile phones and they live a simple life. Now we talk about why urban life is also important for us and why people go here to live. So the purpose of being in the city was that there were no good schools and colleges for our studies, so we also got ego in the city otherwise we were living a good and peaceful life in the villages and when we were in the city,

Urban people are very different from rural people, so it took us a lot of time to understand things and here we also see that life is so fast that we don't even have time for ourselves. Sometimes there is no time and we have to make our daily routine mandatory.


The biggest problem in poetry life is that here there are so many vehicles and so much pollution that we cannot take care of our health even if we want to and our health deteriorates daily and people who are here they also do wrong things due to which we go into depression especially the people whom we love and they start talking against us then in this way more problems and problems start in our life. Earlier, there were not so many cars here in our city,

But since the banks have started giving cars on installments, now every person has a car and every month he is paying the installment money, so this is a good thing. Because we support our family with it, but the disadvantage is that here in our city, the pollution has become so much that the month of October is about to end and it is still not cold here.

If we go back five years, winter used to start from the beginning of the month of September. In the urban life we have got everything in mobile and we spend all our time on our bed especially nowadays the way people are mostly prefering to work online so it has its advantages and disadvantages are that when we spend the whole day in the room,


We don't know what is happening outside and the biggest damage is to our health and we don't even see natural things that give us peace. We must change the urban life we can meet and we should continue to go there to roam in the same way, but it is a fact that there is no such forest here,

There are no such villages, so we have to roam around. Wherever you go, wherever you go, there is a lot of rush and then there are problems, that's why you can see my blog.

This is my effort to live my life in harmony and in a place with a natural view, and this is my effort every day. It is necessary to post such a post which will increase the knowledge of all people that our country is our city, peaceful people live here and especially those who live in villages love each other very much.


Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writer, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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