I Think The work of Labor Should Not be Automatic

Hi #Hivelearners community.

Today, the way we are seeing, all things are becoming modern and automatic, they are having many benefits in our life and some are also causing harm, so let's talk about the harm. Their biggest loss is that we are all moving away from physical activities and all day long we are seeing machines doing our daily tasks the way we used to see clothes etc.

Yes, they used to be washed by hand and now the way the automatic machine has come, so all the things are becoming automatic. Earlier, we did not have mobile phones, so we used to exercise at night, but with mobile phones. After that we have all stopped exercising, the biggest disadvantage is that we are getting fatter now and now with the way artificial intelligence technology has progressed,

The students who used to work harder now. Create your own stuff easily with this software. Now the way we work day and night on this platform and will continue to work like this but some people are using artificial intelligence here too so this thing is very wrong and should not be done like this at all.


It should cause more trouble to the people here who are working hard day and night to create a good content, so I don't like this technology for that reason, and then let's go the other way here today, the industries. Today we are seeing that robots are working in the same way that humans used to work there, now robots are working,

So there are advantages and disadvantages when robots are working everywhere in the place of labor. If we start, where will the laborers earn their livelihood and how will they feed their children, this is what worries me a lot, and if we look at some other places, the way the hotels are built.

Now the delivery system is done by robots, automatic things are picked up and delivered to the customers who are there. The only downside is that the people who are there will be unemployed because automation technology will be everywhere within the next five to ten years. Were, then the rest of the people have not adopted this thing,


That's why people are still employed and they are earning a living. If it works, this is the only profit for him because he has to pay daily labor to the worker and it is easier for him to invest money and buy the robot at once and the robots can do the work faster than humans. And accelerating, that's why people are starting to buy more of these things now.

If we talk about our country, there is a large population here which is not educated and they cannot do good jobs and if all the people are educated and literate they will be doing good jobs then this work belongs to labor. There is so much unemployment in our country that there is so much unemployment in our country that children are put to work from childhood and they are taught to work and some children who cannot learn work then they work as laborers.

In the same way, we see that many boys and young people are also doing jobs in hotels and many people have responsibilities due to which they have to take this step and leave their studies and work.


So that their families can eat the bread of honor twice a day and here if it is done in this way then due to inflation there is already a lot of unemployment in our country and if in this way all the things If it becomes automatic, things will get worse here and people will start stealing a lot because every person has to feed his stomach and his family, so here again.

But theft is still happening today, how many thousands of mobile phones are stolen from our country every day. That's why I don't want robots to work here in our country, if that's the case, things will be bad, and there is a large population that does labor, so this technology should not be brought into our country.

If it is applied then it will be beneficial and the loss will be more. In the same sense, if we talk about other areas of life, today's technology has slowed us down. Therefore, due to lack of physical activities, all of us are getting more diseases.


When we walk, there will be no diseases, but every person has become so busy in social media in this life that he can walk at all. He doesn't walk every day, he spends 24 hours on his bed like that, then after a while, his health starts to deteriorate, and today, the way we see that robots have grown even inside the fields and which I have seen many videos like this.

If Roberts goes here in these two fields and the work of the farmers also ends, then our country will go into a lot of trouble. will go but the government will have ego because they will tax everything but the poor people here who earn 500 thousand per day will not get anything at all.

In poor countries, if this system is implemented, as there are many poor countries in Asia, there can be a lot of trouble, so I think this kind of technology should be stopped now so that the workers who are there can earn their living.


In any other way, the way technology is everywhere today, we are using mobile, it has many advantages and disadvantages, so we will see its advantages here because when a person goes to another country.

So through this we can talk to our loved ones so this is one of its modern advantages and there are many advantages like we get to know all the things that are happening in the whole world but if robotic If the system is implemented, it can cause many other losses, so this system should not be used at all in my opinion.


Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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