Access to Clean Water | A Basic Human Need

Hi #Hivelearners community.

Today's topic is special and interesting it is a fact that without water we can never live a good life and it is the responsibility of every government to provide clean water to its people if the government is not doing so. It's up to all of us to help ourselves to ensure clean water so that we don't have to face problems in the near future. The water used to be clean and the motor water was so clean that we used to drink it as well,

But now after the passage of time, the water that is there is getting worse and agriculture is taking place in it. So now it cannot be used for drinking. If we look inside our life, we need water everywhere and no human being can live without it.

That it has become impossible to live and there are also water problems here due to which people are forced to buy water outside and the price of water here is 19 litre bottle which is time is selling in Rs 200 market and in summer water is used more so every human being is very worried about how to live the life ahead.


And now people are forced to buy drinking water too, if they drink dirty water they get sick and then life becomes more difficult, so it is better to always try to do this. Drink clean water so that we can avoid diseases. If we do not do this and compulsively drink bad water, it will not be good for our health. If we do not have good health, we will never have a good life. We will not be able to live,

That's why all of us who live here try to buy the water that we have to drink from outside and the rest of the water that is used is the one that is being used by the motor. Here I would like to share some other things with you, Karachi is our most populous city, there is no water there at all, water does not flow day and night. Water has to be poured.

Here the government of our country is only taking taxes and imposing taxes on everything but not providing anything to the people, that's why now we see that first they have taxed on electricity. Taxes are so high that people don't have enough money to pay the bills and now we are seeing people taking out loans and installing solar systems, but now we are hearing that for some time after that they are also taxing it,


So there is no need to pay tax to any people because the energy of the sun is natural, so there should not be any kind of tax on it. Tax is being installed on solar and after that tax is not to be paid in any case. I have many relatives who live inside Karachi and whenever I meet them, they tell me that for many years the water system has not been fixed inside Karachi.

Even after the sea, this system could not be corrected and Karachi, which is the biggest city of our country, and from the point of view of business, most of the business is also being done within Karachi and from there within other countries. There are things that give people jobs and live their lives, but when a city like this, which is so famous and so populous,

Even these people have not been able to fix the water system. And even these people have not been able to fix the sewage system in our country till now. Whenever it rains, there is a lot of water standing inside the streets and then we ourselves have seen that water comes out from the sewers. When it starts, many people die within those days.


A person here is earning 100 to 100 dollars every month so how can he live a good life when he has to buy water everyday and all the necessary souvenirs of his life. So how can a person live a good life here because the water system here has been bad for the last 40-50 years and no government has ever been able to fix it. The government makes promises and then leaves.

But no one works hard to change this system because these people never realize that everything is there inside their house, servants are there and they live a luxury life. When they are living, how they see people dying of thirst but they still don't realize that there is an area in Karachi where people are dying of hunger and thirst but no ruler there. Neither went nor helped them.


Life has become so difficult here in our country that even two daily bread has become difficult here and people have to pay money to buy clean water even if the government has built clean water plants in some places. Even if they have been installed, it is very less. There is so much rush inside our city, you have to wait for two or three hours, then you go and get the number.

That's why people get rid of this problem by paying money and getting water. A poor person does not have the money to buy water, so he is forced to drink the bad water of his family because if he buys water, then he does not have the money to pay the electricity bill. is living a forced life,


That is why we are seeing that due to high inflation, within the last six months, seven and a half lakh people who are from here have gone to other countries for jobs, otherwise there is no job system here. Well, we are not getting clean water here and there are many things that we need in basic but we are not getting it here.

Now this system will not be right here, so how will people succeed by working hard, when success is not achieved here only after hard work, some good things are not provided, so our country cannot develop here because of this. But the toilet post is high among the people but it is not valued. The water system here should be fixed by the government soon so that the people can avoid diseases.


Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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