My Fashion Flair.

Having a fashion sense in my opinion, isn't just about knowing and wearing what's in vogue. It goes beyond joining the crowd or wearing the latest designers. People often misconcept this and thus, they believe they don't have a fashion sense or see the need to. I believe it is about knowing how to put pieces of outfit together, wearing what fits you, wearing what you're comfortable in and just being uniquely stylish.

Another misconception about fashion sense is that you need to be a “rich kid” to have it. People do not bother changing their wardrobe because it's expensive. Yes, being fashionable comes with a price tag but, it's important that we look nice by wearing neat and nice clothes with some sense in fashion. This will help to boost your confidence and aura. Personally, I don't even shop from classy and pricey boutiques because I know my financial capability. Most times, I shop from thrift stores and still, I end up looking lit! 😍



Now, defining my own fashion sense, I'd say “simple but elegant”. This definition was actually inspired by the words of a friend who commented on my Sunday outfit. You see, all my life, I've loved being simple and stylish. Simplicity and comfort is my absolute flair and that is why before wearing any outfit outside, I make sure it's not too heavy because the weather here is relatively hot 🥵. Also, I make sure it's comfortable enough and expresses my personality.

This brings us right to my go-to outfit; a pair of pants, t-shirt and slippers. I like to wear anything pants particularly Jeans (both skinny and baggy). For t-shirt, I like to wear any top that's not too tight or revealing. These are literally my comfortable clothes that has become a sort of niche 😌. On campus or any outings, I wear them all the time and a lot of people have known me for this 😅.



An exception is on Sunday mornings when I go to church. Being a Catholic, it's inappropriate for a lady to wear jeans to church, so I often wear dresses and skirts on this occasion. I also like to switch up sometimes and wear something different like fitted dresses to school but only on rare occasions. Because for me, it's a pair of pants and t-shirt for life! 🙂

Some outfits I'd never wear? Hmm, now that I think about it, I'd never wear jumpsuits. Oh yes, I've never had one but I simply don't like it neither do I think I'd look good in it. Although, I see other girls wear it and I admire the ones it suits best. But nah, it's not for me. Another outfit I wouldn't wear is crazy jeans, I mean those ones that look like it's been ripped of it's life. I really can't see myself putting on those, I'd rather wear the slightly ripped ones. However, I respect those who wear them. After all, it's a free world with distinct senses of fashion. Lastly, excessively revealing clothes. I'm not comfortable wearing those and I don't appreciate too much attention, that's why I'd never wear them.

However, there are some outfits I'd love to wear but can't. An example is boy's clothes like baggy shorts and shirts. Arggh! They're so free and comfortable! Unfortunately, I can't wear them because I'm not a tomboy. The day I tried wearing my brother's clothes, my dad yelled at me and demanded I take them off immediately 😂. Also, I'd love to wear more of hoodies, particularly oversized ones. This was actually inspired by the Korean OOTDs.


But I can't because, I'd probably die of suffocation and heat from this hot weather 😑. Perhaps during the cold season, I will buy more of those. Lastly, bum shorts. Sometimes, I wish I could wear them outside as an outfit but those are personally limited to my comfort zone. I don't know, it really feels weird or maybe it's just not me to wear them outside and I've accepted it, for now.

P.S. This post is in response to the @hive-learners weekly featured topics for week 35 edition 1, on the title; “FASHION SENSE”.

All images are mine.


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