Can Money Possibly Buy Love?


There's no doubt that we all love money, it's a necessity of life after all. Some people would even do anything to secure their future and ensure they don't lack this necessity. Over time, a lot of things have now involved money and it seems like an entanglement that cannot be untangled.

Even love is no stranger to this entanglement. Many people cannot love without money and many people cannot make money without wanting love. The two may go hand in hand but the controversial question here is “can money possibly buy love?“

Before giving my opinion, I think we should first refresh our understanding of love. What is love?
Love is a decent feeling of deep affection that connects two people together, it is genuine and unconditional.
But when money is involved, it becomes conditional. So, in my opinion, NO! Money cannot buy love.

I know of a celebrity who married a wealthy man of over 60 years while she was still in her late teens. She claimed it was "love" but it's dubious from everyone's perspective. I mean, who marries a man old enough to be your father if it isn't about money or fame? I strongly doubt she would even look him in the face if he was impoverished.
Sometimes, we confuse love for attraction, and I think this is where the problem lies. A guy might approach me and try to win me over by spending his money lavishly on me, getting me random gifts, surprise packages and all the nice stuffs that I could ever dream of, then I would find myself getting attached to this guy.

But that's not love, that's attraction. I'm attracted to his money and the way he treats me materialistically. I should be asking myself; “what if he had no money, would I still be attracted to him?… “What if he had no money, what else would he have done to woo me?“ If all he ever did from the beginning was flaunt and splash his money on me to gain my attention, then it isn't love.
Honestly speaking, money can only buy attraction, attention and respect. It can't buy love. You can use money to bring people closer to you or make them stay but you can't use money to make people love you if you actually want genuine love.

Moreover, once your money starts to vanish, those people will vanish as well. So, if a guy is looking for true love, it's not advisable to first woo the girl by flaunting money. The only thing she'll end up loving first is his money.

But if not money, what then can buy love?
The truth is, nothing can buy lovewhy? Well, because love is not a commodity. It's not something that just springs up out of nowhere. Love works with time to blossom and can only be gotten through true love . Yes, love can be reciprocated when one is truly in love with a person and shows it (not just telling) through affection, attention, understanding, patience, trust and kindness.

But, it might not work in some cases, after all, there are some people who still end up with one-sided love. I just think that love is more metaphysical than physical and it cannot really be explained or manipulated. It happens naturally, so, it shouldn't be forced.

P.S. This blogpost is in response to the @hive-learners weekly posting topics for week 21 edition 1 on the title ”MONEY FOR LOVE”.


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