

Hey guys, so this week's prompt is about what I would like to achieve and change if I could travel back in time for ten minutes. After thinking long and hard about it, I think if I had such an opportunity, the only thing I would change is I'd have accepted my mom's offer about me writing JAMB and seeking admission after my sister's attempt wasn't successful.

It was three years after we both finished high school and she had already applied twice for admission, but to no avail. She'd write and pass the JAMB and aptitude test with flying colors only to find her name omitted from the admission lists.

This was her third time and mom and dad had decided that if it doesn't work out, then it'll be my turn to apply. Everything had been done as usual, from applications, to lessons, then she wrote the examinations and passed again with a lot of enthusiasm and expectation based on assurances from a friend's relative who worked at the admissions office in the school.

"You'll most definitely get it. You're grades fall perfectly within the admissions bracket" the friend's relative assured her. I remember when she got home from from checking her aptitude test result and told us all about her score and the assurances from the friend's relative. She was near hysterical. All she could think about was that she'll finally get admitted to study and be a pharmacist. Everything about her within that period revolved around that, and she was always in high spirits.

Few weeks later and news arrived that the admission list was out, we were all anxious for the news, genuinely hopeful that her name must be on the list. The news eventually arrived late in the evening and I can remember the gloom of that night vividly. Mom was sad and gloomy, dad was just being dad by being strong. But my dear sister couldn't hold it, she burst out in tears, wailing uncontrollably. I remember she walked out of the house stark naked, I was scared that she was losing it. She was eventually covered up and virtually forced to go to sleep.

Two days later, I was told that the next exam would be my turn. But my sister was still sad and I couldn't imagine seeing her in that state, so I turned it down. Personally I was averse to the idea of proving myself to JAMB and then still having to go prove myself again to the university through aptitude test. I remember the sorrowful smile she let out when I told her she should try again. "I can work for now while you try again", I told her that night. She was happy and grateful, and she eventually got admitted that year.

Personally I don't regret that action, I was happy I put a smile on her face. But if I knew what I know now, I'd have taken the opportunity while suggesting we both take the exams. I know my parents would have agreed and it would've turned out great for both of us. So there it is, the only difference I would have made with that Ten minutes if I had it.

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